Chapter 53: Test (final) (1/2)

The next test was agility test. And contrary to popular beleif , agility test not only tested your speed but also speed of your reflexes. For Rudra agility was his most heavily invested stat hence he should be able to take on this challenege.

The system notification sounded

The first stage is the 200m race , you must complete the race under 20.4 s to qualify. Goodluck adventurer.

Rudra half expected this .... This bar was not impossible to achieve especially in virtual world. However in real world 20.4 s would probably win you your state gold medal.

Many people fail to understand this however tier 0 is what a normal human peak represents. Tier 1 is superhuman strength category , you can do stuff like crush boulders and fight much bigger monsters.

Tier 2 you reach the limit of human strength and reflexes .

Tier 3 changes a lot you step into the domain of really strong warriors capable of razing ciries to the ground. Most generals of kingdoms as well as NPC guild masters are Tier3 .

Tier4 are the legendary characters, the highest realm of power in the mortal sphere. Tier 4 characters can decide the outcome of kingdoms.

Tier 5 are angels and demons. They are not supposed to be part of the game at this point

Whereas tier 6 is the domain of the gods.

Even after 20 years of playing Omega Rudra never heard of any tier 5 or 6 players.

Anyway the first race was about to start .


Rudra dashed forward. He was no professional runner in real life however his Cadence was extremely natural and beautiful to watch. He completed the 200m in 19.6s which was a good score and cleared the level.

Conhratulations for clearing this level the next test commences in 30s , prepare yourself adventurer.

A new system notification rang .

The next stage was a reflex test in a dodgeball style setting where a mini ball about the size of a pingpong will be shot towards the target at random speeds from random directions in a 20×20×20 room .

Rudra had to survive for about 7 minutes in the room with each minute increasing the difficulty.

Rudra easily dodged the projectiles for the first 3 minutes , however he had a close call on the fourth , fifth felt extremely difficult and he was almost eliminated in 6th. Rudra grit his teeth, agility was supposed to be his strength , he cant fall here. However with no options left he decided to add all remaining stat points to agility.

Rudra called the system menu


Player Name : Shakuni

Title : Viscount of Hazelgroove kingdom, Reputable knight , Saviour of Thol village , Revered Medicine Master , Emmisary of Church , World renowned

Class : Knight

Subclass : none


Tier : 0


AGI : 87 VIT : 77

INT : 73 STA : 72

PHY : 76 HP : 8000/8000