Chapter 228: Cleared and take (1/2)
”Loud and clear Sir” the head communication officer replied tot he General. He then looked back at the monitor of the communication and tapped the shoulder of one of his communication officer.
And said, ”I want you to connect me with the tank battalion commander that got deployed down to Jelkala. Right away,” the communication officer replied with ”I will do that Sir”
[Easter Sector]
Jin pushed the button, and the entire building exploded, and soon it exploded. He looked back and there he saw all the candidates present. ”Now we are still going to destroy 2 more underground barracks in this sector and we need to destroy it before the enemy alarms them,” Jin said and all of them head to the APC and drove out of the location.
They then reach their second location, but not that far from the previous one. But it was near the border of the western sector. They parked the APC a few blocks across the street.
”We are going to eliminate the enemies at the entrance and then followed by a quick destruction of the whole place. Am I clear?” Jin said with his direct command. The candidates have fierce faces and replied with ”Yes, Sir” because of what they have seen, the blood and the screams and everything they have a witness in this battle was both learning and trauma in their age.
Jin understood that because he himself is still learning and his foundation on the knowledge, he currently knows is still a small pond in a soon to be ocean.
After that, they all stepped out of the APC. Because there was no alley, they walked at the side of the streets and because its out in the open; it was really problematic. But they can;t just barge into doors and destroy walls.
That is why they need to be fast in traveling. After 20 minutes of quick pace movements, they reached a destroy apartment, and that apartment is across the building that they will be destroying.
”Nice better cover from those rebel cell minion's eyes.” Wen Xin whispered as he goes down crouching.
Outside of the entrance, there are 10 armed rebel cell minions. They peeled their eyes open, ”I think this underground base has some tip that their barracks are getting attacked.” Jin stated as he slings his FXR-Raven to the front and scopes the other windows. Jin scoped out the enemies that were ahead of them.
While he was scoping out from the upper windows. There he saw a flash of glass, and Jin did not doubt and pulled the trigger. And a bullet fired from the barrel of the FXR-Raven.
The glass shatters and a Lion pride soldier who was sniping from the 13th floor 4th window dropped on the ground as the bullet pierced through his scope to his eyes and straight through his brain, which leads to the Lion pride soldier dropping dead on the floor. His spotter quickly pulled him back from the window.
”Cai Dinxiang and Vanguard attack!” Jin shouted and the two swordsman class whispered ”Defiant Call!” and a follow up of ”last Sword Call”. Both buffs have increased their defense and damage. Which made their whole body stronger and heavier. And able to slash and charge enemies without fear.
Cai Dinxiang dashed out from the destroyed apartment and shouted ”PAIN!” and from that word his entire arms slowly engulfed in demonic fiery flame. But he blew the surprise but Cai Dinxiang quickly throws 3 demonic fire balls which exploded the 5 Rebel cell minions.
Because of the explosion, the 3 rebel cell minions got burned to death while the other 2 flew from where they were standing. The other 5 that were at the back then helped them that is aiming at the 2 swordsman that was charging at them. Luckily, Qin Shanyuan has a shield that could handle bullets from the enemy's rifles.
Which helped her to dash forward and swing his sword, slashing the Rebel cell minion that pulled the trigger on her. It split the face of the Rebel cell minion in half and the body of the rebel cell minion dropped to the ground.
After that there were still 6 rebel cell minion that were backing up inside the first floor. And they were about to call for backup when the rebel cell minion that was grabbing the monitor got shot in the head as Jin pulled the trigger.
”Alright all of you go!” Jin shouted, and the rest of the group moved forward. Li Xiaosheng was the one that slashes the glass door of the first floor, which shatters into million pieces.