Chapter 224: Destroy the enemy (1/2)

All Time Marksman ArkAnghel 37350K 2022-07-23

[At the South Delta Team]

Qi Meili and Han Zian were inside of the APC travelling down to the south sector. ”We are going to a building if my understanding was correct from listening to the commander?” Han Zian said with a serious gaze, looking at Qi Meili, who was beside him. Qi Meili reply with ”That is correct. We are going to destroy a building and then we are going to find more of them that have patched and started running around.”

”That will be damn spectacular to see” Han Zian smiled, and the APC stopped, Qi Meili asked the driver why did they stopped and the driver replied with ”Ma'am we have reached our destination we cannot go that far because I am sure they will notice our APC that it's not one of them.”

”Is it a checkpoint” Qi Meili just to make sure who are they going to take on. The Driver did not answer as he was not sure if it's a checkpoint because there was also an APC that was parked beside the line of Lion pride soldiers and a few rebel cell minions.

”Han Zian, I think you need to take the 2nd fireteam and let's split once I radioed you I think we can execute a plan perfectly to defeat out opponents.” Qi Meili suggested as he grab her bow that was placed beside her.

Han Zian nodded and quickly nodded to the 2nd fireteam leader and step out from the APC. After that, Han Zian went to the alley across from where the APC parked. While Qi Meili step out of the APC and walked to the Alley that was on their right.

Han Zian lead the way but because he has no weapon to use, he looked behind him and there he saw that the support gunner was behind him and the marksman was at the back.

”Marksman lead, support take the rear” Han Zian ordered and the two Red Blood Armored Knights changed position after that their formation became much secured as Han Zian was in the middle second to the lead man, which was their marksman.

On the other side, Qi Meili saw an open door, so she signals the whole fireteam to take slow as there is something up ahead she signaled them using her hand gestures. And as they were getting closer to the door, Qi Meili pulls an arrow from her quiver. But before they reached the door, slammed back.

From that moment, Qi Meili knew where should she put her position. But before that she goes at the end of the alley but when she reached the end of the alley which was another street, she peeked at her left and when she did that she saw that there was no checkpoint that placed. She became confused and weirded out by that. So she immediately tapped her comms that were at her neck.

[Radio: T3 we have a problem. There is no checkpoint that placed. I think the enemy forces have occupied a building on our side of the alley. And I am planning ongoing back there. Do you think you can help me flank the enemy by occupying the house in front of the building they entered? Over]

[Radio: T2 this T3 I am sure I can do that and we can help from my team but I need to find what building they are first do you have a location would you mind marking it so that we can easily find the building that is across to the building they have occupied. over]

[Radio: Right, I am currently sending you the location marked on the map of ours. Over and out]

[Radio: Copy that T2 thank you over and out]

Han Zian looked at his arm and there he tapped the holographic map that Qi Meili and he shared. And there he saw it was marked by Qi Meili, so the group turns around. Han Zian tapped the back of the marksman to be signalled, and they moved back.

After jogging for 40 seconds, they reached the location of the building across from where the enemies have been staying. Han Zian looked at his Red Blood Armored Knight support gunner. The support gunner nodded and kicked the door. The door slammed opened as some wood debris flew inside and scattered across the floor.

The place they entered was a cafeteria, but it seemed the owner abandoned it as the lights were closed and the shop was also closed. Han Zian turns around and ordered with his authoritative voice.

”I want the marksman on the upper floors, the rifleman and grenadier on the second or third floor. The support will be on the ground floor. Am I understood?” all of them replied with ”Yes, Sir” after their reply all of them move to their positions.

Because the building was only 4 floors and a rooftop and because the rebel cell minions and the Lion pride soldiers were only on the 1st floor as they saw across.

The marksman positioned himself at the 4th floor 2nd window. Meanwhile the rifleman and the grenadier positioned themselves at the 3rd floor, 2nd window and 4th window. The support gunner and Han Zian was at the 1st floor of the building.

”I am ready Sir, just give me the signal and I will pull this trigger and all of those enemies you see will surely drop dead.” The Red blood Armored Knight support machine gunner, that was beside Han Zian, commented.

Han Zian smiled and reply with ”Do you think that kind of gun control will surely defeat those scumbags outside?” and the Red Blood Armored Knight support machine gunner, silenced by that statement that Han Zian made.

Han Zian tapped the comms that were on his neck.

[Radio: We are in position over]

[Radio: Alright T3, engage the enemy]