Chapter 212: Target Lock (1/2)
The Red blood Armored Knight reached Jin position and he lean forward. ”Can you check that hole over there” Jin pointed at the Red Blood Armored Knight.
And the Armored knight grips his rifle and walked down the crater and approached the hole that was near the water pipeline. As the red blood armored knight walked slowly, he heard some whispering inside the hole it was not that, clear but he still hear some ruckus and soft voices coming from inside the tunnel.
He raised his rifle and Jin saw how the Red Blood Armored knight raised his rifle. Jin looked back and ordered the others to follow the first Red Blood Armored Knight that goes inside the tunnel. He taped the comms to his neck.
[Radio: This is T1 to T4 return here over and out]
After Fang Shirong heard that order, he stopped when he was about to jump on the other balcony. ”What happened? Did they find another way to bypass the guards?”
Fang Shirong was curious, so he headed back and there he sees all the Red Blood Armored Knights going down the crater. And when he approached the crater there, he saw a broken water pipe and a pipe that is connecting with electricity but because it did not get destroyed from the bombing, it was good to walk through.
Jin waved at Fang Shirong so that he would get his attention. Fang Shirong shakes his head and looked up there.
He saw Jin waving his hand. And he jogs towards Jin. ”Sir, why did you suddenly order a recall?” Fang Shirong asked as Jin was still looking at the Red Blood Armored Knight going inside the tunnel. After a few minutes, they then heard gun shots. They all looking at the tunnel.
As of this moment, all 19 Red blood armored Knights have full entered the tunnel. ”I think they have met enemies inside the tunnel?” Qi Meili stated as he raised her bow and ready to pull an arrow from her quiver that was hooked at her waist. ”Let's go, and check what is happening inside that tunnel, shall we”
Jin recommended and then he sling his FXR-Raven to his shoulder and unholstered the dual pistol he has and goes down the crater. After that, Han Zian, Qi Meili and Fang Shirong followed Jin going down the crater.
It was not that steep at first, but as it goes down, it became muddy. And when they were about to enter the tunnel, multiple shot was here once again.
They rushed inside as the gunfire was not simple two shot it was a full burst. And when then entered, the first thing they saw was, it was really a tunnel. As they go down further, they saw the footsteps of the Red blood Armored Knights. Jin looked at Qi Meili and said, ”I want you to contact the front and tell them to stop.” Qi Meili nodded and tapped the comms on her wrist.
[Radio: All elements hold your position over and give me a status report ASAP]
[Radio: First Fire Team have engaged with multiple Lion Pride soldier and they were neutral over. First Fire team no wounded and on halt]
[Radio: 2nd fire team have engaged with 3 type 1 ground rats, they are none venomous so we have killed them easily over and out following the first Fire team. Not that close, but we are on a halt.]
[Radio: 3rd Fire team with 4th Fire team, we are on hold location a bit of north of your location T2. We are also on halt over.]
”Sir, all the Fireteam have engaged with monsters, and Lion pride soldiers. Pursing this tunnel may lead us to their hideout, but we also need to be wary of the dangers up head. We need to regroup as best as we can.” Qi Meili suggested to Jin as they were walking towards the location of 3rd and 4th fireteam.
After 4 minutes of walk they finally catch up with the 3rd and 4th Fire team. Jin leads the way as they continue to march. They then felt that the ground was once again rumbling and dust suddenly falls on them. ”Something is happening above, and from those kind of shakes I think there is some explosion happening.” Jin commented as they moved forward.
[Jelkala Airspace]
[Radio:1st squadron flight C and B proceed with your target objective over.]
[Radio: this Flight leader B copy that Squadron leader we are heading our way over]
[Radio: This is Flight leader C copy that Squad leader we are breaking off]
And from that, both Flight B and C break off from Flight A, which was the 1st Squadron leader flight. After breaking off the first one to attack was from the flight B as they drop their main bomb on the location where the destroyed tank from the downed strike helicopter earlier and because the armored tiger tank engine did not get fixed by the technicians, it was the perfect chance of Flight b to Drop their bomb on their location. And upon impact of the main bomb, the Armored tiger tank got destroyed.
[Radio: nice blow. We are going ahead and then unleash the missiles and we are going to retreat back]