Chapter 197: Follow up Checkpoint (1/2)
Qi Meili nodded after that she turns around and and walked towards the Squad leaders. ”Attention squad leaders.” She said in an authoritative tone.
”I have ordered the Squad leader and the commander of your Armored Knights that all black armored Knights are to be reattached to the primary force of the Black Armored Knight that is currently in the south of us. Near the 7th intersection, 2nd street. For those who are in the Purple Armored Knights, you are free and have a choice to stay or to go to a Purple Armored knight squad and attached with them.”
Qi Meili stand firm with what she said and looked into everyone's eyes.
Wen Bao, Hu Gui and Gao Jie saluted when Jin walked towards their location. ”Thank you, Sir for accepting in the SQUAD as a support unit!” they all said that while they were saluting Jin.
Jin saluted back and then they all turned around and leave the garrisoned building. But the Purple Armored Knights they all stood there no one moved an inch.
As if they were waiting for a command, they were waiting for orders coming from Jin. And then one voice from one of the Purple Armored Knight.
”Sir, we are staying as a support unit we will try our best to become one of the 1st support unit to be attached to the SQUAD”
After that, Jin smirked, and a tab appeared in front of him. [Do you want to accept a support unit? [Yes] or [No]] [Information: Accepting the support unit, you may able to change their color and their insignia on their shoulder. They will also be able to be buffed by your titles]
After that Jin tapped the [Yes] button and suddenly all the 20 Purple Armored knights glowed with an aura of red which showed the Blood Bullet throne blessing.
”So its not the ULTIMA CHANGE system that is trying to gather me forces but the Blood Bullet throne.” Jin whispered to himself as he looked at the unit composition tab that flashed in front of him.
”So 4 of them have automatic support weapon which can suppress enemies. And the others have 4 grenadiers and also 4 long range shooters and also 4 rifle shooters. I want to change their color to Red and Gold for the color of the Blood Bullet Throne. With Blood there is Gold with Gold there is the Throne of the Blood Bullet”
Jin smiled and then tapped the color change. Soon enough, the color suddenly change in front of them.
All of them got amazed, to what they have experienced and felt. ”Where is Han Zian?” Jin turns around as he asked that question. Han Zian raised his hand.
”Right, you are the one that will be the acting Squad leader of this New Red Blood Armored Knights.” Jin ordered, and Han Zian saluted Jin. ”Thank you, Sir for the commission of this leadership.” Han Zian gladly accepted as he became a squad leader of a Red Blood Armored Knights.
Fang Shirong felt jealous when Han Zian was the one that got picked. Jin approached Fang Shirong and said, ”I can't put you in command because I want you to be the lead scout of the entire group. You have a better job in assassination and quick kill I cannot hinder that ability of yours.” And from those words, Fang Shirong's jealousy vanished as if loyalty and determination to become a better knife of Jin is the priority of his.
”Alright, for our new aim it will be the east sector, and we are going to take their communication building and depot down to the ground we are going to make them explode and never to be built once again.”
Jin ordered as they move towards the east sector. As they were marching, the civilians where to scared of them so the doors were closed to them the market where abandoned when they were coming as if they were the ones who were sacking the city.
And soon enough, they reached the Western Sector- East Sector border. Jin ordered a full halt and tapped the comms on his neck. They were at the alley and Jin was peeking at the corner where he sees that there was a checkpoint for cross the eastern sector.
[Radio: This is T1 to T4 we check the position ahead they seem to have heavy weapons]
[Radio: Copy that T1 moving]
Fang Shirong then unsheathes his dual poison daggers.” Midnight Slash,” he whispered, and both his agility and speed increase at the same time.
The dual poison dagger gave out a pink soft glow. Afterward He then climbs through the walls in the alley so that he will get on top of the roof. From that, he can see the checkpoint up ahead.
[Radio: This is T3 from above. Enemies have 2 machine guns up ahead positioned on the left building 2nd window. And the second one is 2nd building to the right 3rd window. Over]