Chapter 190: The Armor that presents power (1/2)

All Time Marksman ArkAnghel 36830K 2022-07-23

After opening the door, Jin got surprised that there is purple armored knight aiming at them. ”RAISE YOUR HANDS AND SHOW THEM!” one of the purple armored knight shouted as he pointed his rifle at Jin, who was the first one to step on the stair.

”Dont worry, we are are the SQUAD we are the ones to save you,” Jin stated. But his statement did not move the Purple Armored Knights, so the Purple Armored Knight said, ”I want you and your friends to show your identification before we let you in our building or else we are going to blow your heads off”

Because of their claim Jin raised his FXR-Raven, and said ”Alright I will stop with the charade call your Squad leader and we are going to move out of this place before the Black Armored Knight that is currently fighting with the enemies be-” Jin statement gets cut short when the whole building shakes.

The two Purple Armored Knights were still hesitant, but they soon give up they let Jin and the others to pass through, but then they followed them to go down the second floor where the squad was staying and positioning themselves.

A knock on the door. And when a purple armored knight opens the door, he saw 3 black geared individuals and behind them were the two purple Armored Knight that were on duty on the rooftop.

”Who are these people you have brought here?” the purple armored knight raised his rifle that was aiming at Jin. ”Please for your sake remove the damn rifle off my face and we are the SQUAD” and the Purple Armored knights are still hesitant so he called for his squad leader.

”Sir Ru Jin!” Lie Lei shouted as she saluted at Jin that was standing at the door. ”Sir, are we moving now?” she ask and Jin replies with ”Yes, we are moving now and we are moving fast!” Jin turns around and another building shake erupted.

”Sir, the building is shaking again.” Han Zian stated. ”I have a feeling that there is a hooded figure outside and they are a couple of-” *BOOM* and an explosion erupted.

Jin and the others looked at the back, where he saw that the entire room was now burning. ”Sir, those fiery flames, those are the same with one of your skills,” Han Zian analyze as the flames were too fiery that it burned some of the Purple Armored Knight. ”Let's go fast this time I think I am facing the same class I have.”

Fang Shirong smiled and commented ”I think there will be a good markman battle that will happen I can feel it!” as they were rushing going down to the first floor where the back door was to e opened and the rest of the Purple Armored Squad will do an exfil.

Quickly, Jin opened the back door when the door opened, and Liu Lei was about to step out before an explosion erupted. *BOOM*

It blew Jin and the rest to the ground as they were about to follow the Squad leader. ”Sh- what the hell just happened did the building get shot by an artillery?” one of the purple armored knights exclaimed as they all try to get up.

The rest that was at the back were flew and slammed their bodies at the wall and on the ground and half of the wall that was also destroyed.

”What the heck happened” Fang Shirong tried to stand as it covered the whole place in dust. Jin was also behind trying to analyze what was happening.

”Something is not right here. Han Zian calls Qi Meili and asses what is currently happening on our location,” Jin ordered as he worrying about the situation, while he was holding his FXR-Raven. Han Zian replied, ”Yes Sir!” He then tapped the comms that was warped around his neck.

[Radio: T2 this T3 do you copy?]

[Radio: *Static Buzz*]

[Radio: T2 this is T3 do you copy we need surveillance open over]

[Radio: *Static Buzz*]

”Sir, I cannot contact Qi Meili Sir, I think there is something wrong with the communication I think there is a jammer sir” Han Zian reported back as he grip on the divine creator. And then Jin saw that there was a hooded figure with a sword that leap forward towards Fang Shirong.

”FANG SHIRONG!” he shouted, as he pulled the Cold Dragon Serpentes that was holstered wrapped around his left leg.