Chapter 180: Planning take out (1/2)
After the explosion, that happened because of the APC. The APC continues to crash spinning before ending on a flip over and explosion once again. Because of that explosion, the other APC stopped, but it fired at the location of Jin, but luckily Jin quickly gotten to a suitable cover earlier.
While Qi Meili and Han Zian were still about to get out from the gate of the west garrison that they have entered. It delayed them due to because of the machine gun that was firing at them.
Jin once again aimed his FXR-Raven and pressed the trigger once more the compacted power generated a lot faster because it was the second shot of the dual burst. The beam of light travelled towards the APC and, like what happened to the 1st APC, the 2nd APC also flips over and exploded. The south garrison forces saw the 2 explosions.
”What the heck!” the loyalist officer shout as he slams the table in front of him. While looking furiously at his adjutant that reported to him that the west garrison that was cornering the entrapped Black Armored knights have gotten destroyed. ”How did that happened how did they destroy that garrison! Tell me!”
The adjutant was frightened as he looked more closely at his commanding officer. ”Sir, the squad have attacked that place we can't do anything they are one of the elite forces of that invading forces.” And once again, the officer slammed the table as it created cracks. ”I want you to inform the hooded figures and find their location I want them dead. I thought we have pushed them back outside of the City but I did not expect that they could resist this much! GODDAMIT!” the officer gets disappointed at the same time he too, was furious about the loss of the 2 APC they have in South garrison.
”BOOYAH!” Jin smiled as he saw that two APC have burned and destroyed. He looked at Qi Meili and Han Zian, who were also smiling. He both nodded the two to signal them to follow him.After that the two followed Jin as they were retreating. Han Zian taps Jin shoulder and said, ”That was a nice firework exhibition you did back there Squad leader”
”Well, it was only a pure luck from training that is all I can say” Jin smiled and looked at Han Zian and both of them laughed as they retreat to the alleyway. And when they were retreating, they saw the one member of the Black Armored Knights. ”Sir!” as he run towards Jin. Jin replies with, ”Yes? Did I said retreat?”
”Yes, Sir. But the squad leader has left me here and ordered me to join you if you come back and if your squad fails, Then I can inform him that the squad has not returned.” The Black Armored Knight member said as he looked quite scared of Jin, even though Jin was not even releasing his oppressive aura to anyone. Jin and the others continued to move back to the old building that they have occupied last time.
Even Fang Shirong also came back with them. When they reached the old building, they used to Jin, and Squad leader Hu Gui and Wen Bao met the others. ”Sir!” the Black Armored Squad leader, Wen Bao, meets Jin at the door while Hu Gui was behind Wen Bao. ”Sorry Sir, we failed to introduce ourselves earlier. I am B1 Wen Bao of the 23rd Black Armored Knights.” Wen Bao confidently said that in front of Jin, while Jin was looking at them.
After Wen Bao finished speaking. Hu Gui came up next, but before he speak he faced Jin and give a snappy salute, ”Sir, I am B2 Squad Leader Hu Gui of the 23rd Black Armored Knights”
”I feel we are all acquainted with each other this will be a new thing for all of us here in this mission objective. Qi male” Jin looked at the back where Qi Meili was standing. She replied when she heard Jin called him ”Yes, Sir?”
”Give me more about the details of the other 3 forces that the loyalist forces have entrapped.” He ordered after that the two squad leaders were also waiting for his command, so after he relied some information on QI Meili. He then said, ”I want your met to check the windows and fortify them for now. This will be our FOB for further planning for the regroup of forces. As we are now still operating in the western sector.”
After he said those words, Wen Bao and Hu Gui nodded and turns around, ordering their men to build and fortify the building they have entered. In a quick order, all the Black Armored Knights moved. ”You two,” He said. Wen Bao and Hu Gui turns around and replied, ”Sir,” they were both quick. As they answered Jin's call, he was already walking towards the stairs ”come with me we are going to lie out the plan for the other entrapped forces.”
Both of them replied, ”Yes, Sir” and they followed Jin, walking towards the stairs. After a few minutes, they reached the room that they will make as a planning room. Qi Meili was also with them, while Fang Shirong and Han Zian were resting on the lower floors.
The building has 5 floors. Which there are two buildings. It is a small compound where the two buildings are facing each other like an apartment but has an officer type style building.