Chapter 151: Fight that turns bloody (1/2)
”The time has come for me to plant the precious fireworks!” Fang Shirong smiled as he run towards one of the first leg of the tower to the left. ”Open Inventory,” he whispered after that he tapped the slot for the C45 explosives. After tapping it, the explosives materialize in front of him. ”Alright time to set this bomb for my detonator.”
Fang Shirong smiled. While he was planting the explosive, he also heard some gunshots from the stairs. ”Another dance is it?” he questioned while he already planted the 1st explosive at one leg of the propaganda tower.
And when the door opened, Fang Shirong stood up and there he saw Han Zian. The confusion runs through his mind and asked Han Zian, ”What are you even doing here?” Fang Shirong was like shocked and did not expect to see Han Zian to follow him.
”Aren't you supposed to help? The squad leader and Qi Meili?” Han Zain replied with ”We need to plant the explosives before they get out of the building so I will help you.” Han Zian rushed and approached Fang Shirong, and they both fix the explosives into the tower legs. After 20 minutes of planting the explosives, they both sigh in relief.
[Radio: this is T1 to T3 and T4 I need you guys on the double the enemy have activated the alarm in the entire facility we need to EXFIL immediately. Over]
[Radio: This is T3 to T1 we have planted the explosives. We are going down the building. Over]
After that Jin looked at Qi Meili, who was aiming at the rebel cell, who was about to fire his rifle. But Qi Meili quickly loosens her arrow *SWOOSH* and the arrow fired from her bow. The arrow as it was in midair it as a red, orange aura engulfed it.
Upon impact on the flesh of the rebel cell minion, the rebel cell exploded simultaneously upon impact of the arrow. Meanwhile, the other rebel cell minions that were near the rebel cell minion that were pierced by the arrow flew and slammed their bodies on the wall.
”Aughh, my head arghh” one of the rebel cell minion moaned on the ground as Jin and Qi Meili walked over them. ”Nice shot, keep that up,” Jin commented on Qi Meili, and Qi Meili smiled because of the comment of the squad leader. While they were running down the hallway Jin whispered ”Zero Eye Blue Bullet” and then a blue tab appeared in front of him [the Bullet Heir has activated Zero Eye Blue bullet]
After that his left eye changes into a cross-hair like eye and it glows soft yellow. And now he could see through walls. He can also see heat signatures both humans and monsters. And he could see in a 3 dimensional view point. With a 360 degrees visible and 20 km radius.
”Alright now I can see the enemies once more.” Jin whispered after activating his Zero Eye Blue Bullet. ”Qi Meili, after the corner use rapid Arrow fire on the enemy,” Jin ordered, and Qi Meili felt something strange and she slowed down a bit, as she did not know why.
But she still followed what Jin ordered, so when they were about to turn at the corner she draws 3 arrows from her quiver and then raised it and when they turn she saw 4 Rebel cell minions. ”Shi-” She still loosen the string of the bow and the 3 arrow fired into 3 directions, but before she let loose of the arrow she whispered ”Rapid Arrow Fire”.
”THE ENEMIES!” shouted by one of the rebel cell minions as they saw Jin and Qi Meili reveal themselves from the corner. But they did not expect that there was an arrow coming their way. And because of the unexpected the 3 rebel cell minion that were about to be raised their guns was pierced by an arrow through their chest and it backed them to the wall because of the impact force of the ability and skill. And simultaneously, upon the pierced arrow in their bodies, their inside suddenly burn rapidly.
As it burned their inner organs to crisps. ”RAHHHHHHH IT BURNS!” one of the rebel cell minion shouted as he tried to remove the arrow but it engulfed even the arrow with fire that he too was too hot to be removed from his body.
The three of them slowly burned alive. Meanwhile, the other one was slowly being attacked emotionally and mentally as he saw all three of his comrades died by being burned alive. ”What the hell!” he then turned around and there he saw Jin aiming at his head.
*BANG* and the rebel cell minion dropped on the ground the bullet made the blood spill to the ground. ”Let's go we are go to kill a few more rebel cell minion to get out of this building.”