Chapter 147: Propaganda Explosion (1/2)
[2 hours have passed]
”The desolate world that has succumbed in unbalance shift of monsters and never ending fight for survival.” Han Zian was reading out loud a book quotation. ”What kind of book are you even reading damn” Fang Shirong comment, as he looked at Han Zian.
But then Han Zian responds with ”the tittle says it all, Seventh Seal”. ”Alright prepare, we are near the occupied territory, alright, wear the merchant's clothes.” Jin ordered as he stepped on the breaks and the car stopped. After that all of them finished wearing the merchant suits, Jin once again stepped on the gas and the car moves on.
”Wow, they really have a checkpoint in this kind of place, what an amazing discovery it is.” Jin commented as he saw that in front of them is a long line of vehicles that and at the end there were armed guards that were checking each of the vehicles that is entering the occupied territory.
”So I knew this place as Revera” Qi Meili stated as she grips her bow a little to make herself calm as the tense grew when the car gets closer to the checkpoint. ”Heh, these guards they don't look that intimidating I think they are only there to give some fear of enemies if they are trying something.” Fang Shirong exclaims. After that, the car was getting nearer.
The first guard to approached Jin was the one with a yellow berret, the guard's uniform was digitalize grey black camo. The guard was also wearing a shade so Jin could not stare into the guard's eye. ”This is a piece of cake we can get over this, `` Jin thoughts as he grips the stirring wheel of the car.
And when the first guard stood near the door, the guard leans and then said ”What are you guys here for?” the rough tone of voice made the whole car in an intense feeling and the pressure grew. ”Sir, we are merchants for a market dealing,” Jin reply calmly to avoid suspicion on them. But there was a follow-up question from the guards.
”Do you guys partake in auctions?” and Jin swings his head. And the guard nodded. After that, the guard steps back as he regained the old posture when he approached the car. ”Alright go on,” the guard order as he taps the front of the car.
And Jin stamped on the gas pedal. After they pass through that checkpoint, they all sigh in relief. ”I thought that will be a first encounter. Those guards really give some aura trying to oppress that people from the inside.” Fang Shirong stated as he looked through the window.
”Where are we going, squad leader?” Han Zian ask, and Jin replied with ”We are going towards the location of the old black market place, because we are going to meet someone that will give us information on what is happening inside the propaganda station and the tower.”
And all of them felt relieved on that, after a few minutes of driving they have reached the location of the black market. Jin gets out of the car and then the others tailed him. They were in a merchant costume, but beneath the costume were their gears. Jin then walked inside to one of the bar in the black market.
”This place is really exotic no?” Han Zian whispered to Fang Shirong, ”Yeah, it is especially this meat, they are kinda weird I have never seen those kinds of meat” Fang Shirong replied as he keep walking and following Jin in front. Meanwhile, Qi Meili was curious about the monster meat that was being sold. Qi Meili was too occupied looking at the enormous sum of meat that is being sold.
``This meat is amazing they are thick and looks yummy, but the weird thing is that their meat is doesn't have a color of red but looked brownish red. And especially the smell it really gave off a wonderful smell.`` Qi Meili thoughts as she walked past by multiple stores of monster meat.
”How come this bar has stores inside of it?” Han Zian asked, and Fang Shirong replied ”Because this is the black market they are avoiding to get arrested selling monster meat is precious these days.” After that, Jin stopped and looked around.
After that he turns around and whispered to all of them ”I want you three to split and go to other places, after that lets all meet back at the car.” All of them nodded as a reply and as they spread after that, Jin walked to the opposite of them.
”Where is that guy” Jin exclaimed as he walked a few more stores and then a man leaning on the wall, looked at Jin and said, ”You seem lost in this place? Would you want a tour?” the man that was leaning gave of a different vibe. His low tone of voice but has the sense of intimidation. Jin looked at the man and said, ”No need, I am just trying to look for something.”
And the man smirked and then stood up straight and approached Jin, who was standing near him. ”Well, glad you are here.” the man stand beside Jin and nodded, and from that nod Jin already guess that the man he was looking for is the man that is in front of him.