Chapter 134: The face of the traitor (1/2)

All Time Marksman ArkAnghel 37780K 2022-07-23

They arrived at Jelkala City, and the pressure is slowly building up and becoming intense. The business officer was smiling for no reason as he tried a glance at them. Jin looked at the Business officer straight in the eyes as he was already feeling a slight discomfort about something.

Because of that discomfort he asked, ”Sir, why are you smiling?” after that slight pause inside the APC. The business officer replied, ”Well, I am lucky that I have survived two multiple incidents today.

And for saying my life and that I should be thankful for” After that he clasped his hand. But Jin saw that his hand was already shaky, and as if his left leg was uncomfortably shaky. And from those hints Jin already sense that there was something that they have not seen or heard from the Business officer about the meeting.

”Sir, about the meeting do we need to be close to you or the meeting will be in an office or a place that we will guard with?” and the Business officer certainly get shocked, ”How the hell is he like this…” exclaimed The business officer looked at Jin with a serious gazed.

The APC is now in pure pressure, Han Zian and Fang Shirong already felt the pressure that was coming out from Jin and they did not expect that kind of pressure being released as if the Business officer also hides a bit of pressure to fight off Jin pressure on him.

And Han Zian whispered to Fang Shirong. ”Hey, should we stop both of them or else it will be a really steamy argument we will have.” and then Fang Shirong looked at Han Zian. ”I am busy,” Han Zian quite shocked at what Fang Shirong replied to him. ”What did just happened to him”

Fang Shirong ignored Han Zian whisper. After that the APC stopped.

[Radio: This is Dog 1 we have reached the gates of Jelkala city, we are need of an authorization clearance to get inside over]

[Radio: Copy that Dog 1, this is T2 we are sending the business officer to the front, all eyes and ear ready over]

After that Jin opened the APC door from the side and the Business officer walks out. And like always, the first thing he saw was the desolate wasteland of sand and some patches of oasis. ”Remembering the past won't benefit me no more,” the business officer exclaimed and then he turned to the left to walk and approached the Head officer of the gates.

The head officer is in full armor, with a well-built body. Jin was behind the Business officer and he already felt that the Head officer is testing their patience. ”Who the heck are they? Do they think they are some kind of ambassador that they come here with heavy armored vehicles and armored soldiers inside?” the Head officer shouted as he walked out from the door.

After that, the Head officer shown an irritated looked at the business officer and with a straightforward question. ”Why are you here? Aren't you the one who got banned from this place?” and the Head officer turns around. And the Business officer said ”I am not here as the one you know I am here as a delegate of the Maskara City, sent by the Masked Demon Duan Tingguan.”

And the Head officer turned back to the Business officer. And then replied with an irrirated face and a furious tone of voice. ”Do you think here in Jelkala we are getting scared on who is backing yo-” and Jin looked at the head officer.

The head officer trembled a bit because of Jin's expression and aura. The Head officer gulped and then turns around and called one of his guards to call the Business officer of the city if there is some envoy.

”these people think they can just ganged on someone they just met. How pathetic these people are.``

Jin waited while he backed the business officer. The Head officer of the gate goes back to his office at the side. And then the Business officer turns around and stated ”Remember if there is something that will happen in this place. That will be them. I am really not interested in doing business with this city. But because the Maskara city needs new resources to expand, this is the city that will be the gateway for the new resources that the city needs.”

Jin nodded as he clenched his fist”. This man thought that we are only an amiable people. If I were you, I will damn stop underestimating my team”. Jin thoughts as he looked forward, and continue to be aware of his surrounding. He looked back at the APC, and like expected, there are more cars that are coming.