Chapter 43: Team fight is the key (1/2)

All Time Marksman ArkAnghel 37230K 2022-07-23

”What is that explosion?” one of the enemy players heard the loud explosion. ”I think the enemy we need to fight has already entered the marketplace. ”Alright, we need to split up by two. And make sure that we regroup if we cannot find them. Same location here at this restaurant.” The Swordsman 2nd in command of the enemy team. ”Copy that Sir.” All of them replied and they began to split into two groups.

[Radio: this is Overwatch the enemy has split into two groups, Sir. One is running towards the old location in which you have killed the 2 users and the other two are running towards the current location that you are in Sir.]

[Radio: This is T1, Overwatch I want you to give me updates regarding the two players that head to the first location and if they are going to regroup, because we cannot fight 4 players head-on. Over]

[Radio: Copy that T1, Overwatch out.]

”Alright, guys we need to move. Han Zian do you still have enough Ability power at your disposal?” Jin asked as he walked towards their hiding spot earlier. ”Yes, Sir I am still able to put down 6 more Divine Cross.” Han Zian gripped his book as he felt confident enough that he will be able to be good support.

”Alright, everybody good because we are going to fight 2 more players that are heading towards us,” Jin exclaimed as he reloaded his XDR-rifle. He looked at his magazine count.

[Magazine count: 10/30]

``this what happened when you did not recharge your ammo when entering a simulation training mission. Nice job Jin.`` Jin smirked and then they all heard a furious call.

”You are the one who killed our friends!” Jin turned his head and did not expect that the enemy will be this quick. And from Jin first assumption both players is a melee fighter. ”Guys be careful one of them is an assassin. Qiao Jiao goes up front Qi Meili stick with Han Zian and I will be the left flank support.”

After Jin said those commands all of them move into their position. The first one to attack was the assassin from the enemy group. The enemy Assasin dash forward and said ”Claw Blades!” after saying that the dagger aura change to reddish-orange. ”Qiao Jiao buff your defense when you cross sword with him.” Qiao Jiao nodded and she whispered.” Defiant call!” and her sword's aura change to pink but it was a solid pink aura that is emitting.

And soon enough Qiao Jiao intercepted the assassin that charged forward first. Their first crossed sword their sword clash was so fast that some of the non-melee users were not able to analyze who is in the upper hand and who is in the lower hand of the fight. *CLING CLANG CLING CLANG* the sound of steel being hammered. But their formation did not break.

Jin looked at the other player and Jin notice that it was not a melee user but a magician user. Jin shouted ”Qi Meili use penetrating arrow and volley at the other player” and Qi Meili did not hesitate at that order. And she quickly draws a single arrow from her quiver and pulls the string she aims she then whispered ”Penetrating Arrow” and fired the arrow.

And when the arrow fired it was then engulfed by a fiery type aura. The Magician player strikes the ground with his staff and a wall of earth suddenly appeared to protect him. But it was too late the penetrating arrow was able to penetrate that wall and it was quickly destroyed the debris of the wall was the one the inflict the damage to the magician.

And it was only a normal arrow that struck the magician on the left shoulder. After that ability skill Qi Meili draws another arrow and whispered ”Volley Arrow!” and she raised it with an angle directing towards the magician player that was far across them.

Qi Meili let go of the string and the arrow fired. And when it reaches its maximum height and it turns direct on the magician player and the arrow spreads out and a single arrow became 200 arrows with the same specific penetrating damage.

The Magician looked up and suddenly he was covered in earth armor. But he also did not know Jin was also aiming at him with his XDR-rifle [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray Gun Burst]

Jin puts his finger at the trigger and the compact force power that was being generated by the XDR-rifle at its barrel was getting stronger and it also materialized beam orb at the end of the XDR-rifle.

The Magician laughs as the arrows did only a little damage to him but when he look in front he saw that there was a marksman that targeted him. He gulps he was backed by a step and his whole body shivers. Jin pressed the trigger and the beam of power fired from Jin XDR-rifle. *Phebo for that Swordsman user but it was only a critical combo.

Qiao Jiao also wants to use the Ultimate skill of a swordsman so after shouting the two skills consecutively and it landed on the body of the assassin Qiao Jiao pierce the ground with her sword and shouted. ”Fallen Sword!” and from the ground, a sword suddenly strikes the back of the Assassin.

The Assassin body turns pixelated and vanishes in thin air. Qiao Jiao was gasping for air as she too let out a huge amount of ability power. ”Han Zian heal Qiao Jiao” Han Zian nodded and rush towards Qiao Jiao.

[Radio: Sir be advised this is overwatch the two other players is heading towards your location. Over]