Chapter 32: Keep Fighting (1/2)
The food arrives and Jin starts munching the food. The nurse also notified the Major that Jin have regained his consciousness, a man in officer uniform knock on the opened door in Jin's room.
”Hello, are you Squire candidate Ru Jin?” Jin was munching food when the officer asked him. He stopped from eating and salted the officer and he replied as he gulped the food inside his mouth. ”I am that person Sir!” Jin with a confident tone of voice.
”Well, the candidate you are going to be reassigned to the 4th Squire Squad as it is going to be rebuilt again from other candidates that we're able to survive the test. Congrats, for becoming one of the chosen 100 keep up the good work candidate”
the officer said while handing the paper for reassignment. Jin grabbed the paper and saluted at the officer, after that the officer turns around and left the room. Jin read the paper for his reassignment, ”4th squire squad huh…” Jin continues to munch on his food.
2 days have passed and Jin's body was completely back to normal and was able to get improve a lot better. As he was going out of the infirmary he was stretching his arms. A man with a white uniform with a well-built body and hair that was perfectly combed.
And he was looking at Jin and after a while, he walked towards Jin who was standing outside of the infirmary. Jin looks at the uniformed man but as Jin looked at the man his eyes were in a suspicious look and when the man in uniform reached Jin as he quickly asked in a rough tone of voice
”Hey are you Ru Jin?”
and Jin replied with a confused look ”Yes I am Ru Jin, How can I help you?” Jin looked at the man, and then the man reaches for his hand for a handshake and smiles at Jin.
”I am Kong Shun I am the squire squad leader for the 4th. You are going to be assigned to my squire squad because last time we lost our archer and now we are down to 4. And then I heard that your squad got disbanded due to multiple injuries.”
Jin nodded and grab Kong Shun's hand to give it a handshake. After that Kong Shun turns around and said ”Follow me, I will brief you on the way to our barracks. And for our next mission, I know that you just got out from the infirmary but we are in a candidate position so we need to work hard even though our body is still aching from the last mission.”
Jin ”What can I say is I can adapt to sudden changes quickly and I am an able member of a squad so I can get used to that kind of way of life” Jin followed Kong Shun,
”So yeah our squad is composed of a Swordsman that is me and then we also have an assassin a healer and a magician. We are not a perfect combination, to be honest, but our team was able to keep up with the other squad and well we really give our all. And also have you heard that 10 people got washed away from the squire candidates?”
Jin replied with ”Well, Yes I have heard of that because four of those people came from my squire squad. I also cannot believe that most of my team was falling apart when they woke up from the first mission.” And Kong Shun replied
”That mission was really a test of will, not all of the players in the world can handle monsters outside of the wall. I heard the officer in charge of that training was really amazed by the things you did. Even us in the waiting room we were amazed at what you did.”
After saying those words he looked at Jin who was at the back following him.
”Well, that kind of thing was really the job I was to do. I listen carefully and execute the mission as I was told. Follow the plan is my main motto so that I and my squad can go home safely without any of us going to get injured.” Jin replied as he catches up with Kong Shun.
After that small talk, they arrived at the barracks where all of the members of the 4th Squire squad were. Kong Shun opened the door and to what he sees the barracks was well-groomed so as he entered he said. ”This is a good representation of who we are!” Kong Shun exclaimed as he sees that the barracks were really clean. Jin entered and was also surprised.
”Boss-man well we got a bit excited about the new member of our squad so.” Huang Ru said as he was laying on the bed. ”Well, may I present the new member of our team Ru Jin” Kong Shun loudly say as he slid to the side and present Jin.