Chapter 27: Players Guild Vulture (1/2)
”Shi-” Jin with a look of despair stares a few seconds at the boulder of rock that is heading towards him. Jin quickly turns around and tried to find a cover but it's a bit late. The whole place was destroyed and the rock boulder made the edge of the building fall down to the ground. Dust smoke made the whole place in mid visibility.
Jin let out a few *coughs* before standing from where he was knocked out. Jin dust himself as he was covered with a bit of dust on his body. Jin looked around and he checked the place that he was aiming from already have collapsed. Jin looked at the volcanic minion and its walking straight towards the ruined building where Jin is.
Jin saw that his XDR-rifle was near the edge of the collapsed floor. He slowly walks towards the edge so that it won't make a fall ”Dammit I am almost there…” Jin then lunches himself towards the direction of the XDR-Rifle and then quickly aimed it at the volcanic minion.
Jin whispered ”Blind aim” and the XDR-rifle change its emitting aura to pink. After that Jin aimed the XDR-rifle and he felt that his accuracy increased. ``Let's cut off that arm of yours you damn minion!`` Jin pressed the trigger
[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst]and a materializing force of light flickering at the end of the barrel and then *Phees down like snow. ”This is really bad” Jin is now confused about what he will do next. And suddenly he heard a soft woman's voice that came from the destroyed wall.
Jin turns his head as he heard the voice. ”So you need help?” Vulture said as she was gripping his dual daggers in both of her hands.
”Uhh… actually… I do…” Jin felt a sudden embarrassment to ask help from someone he did not know and he just met.
”Well then, what monster are you fighting?” Vulture asked as her red mask and light armor were giving her a bad girl type of vibe.
Jin was really stunned by Vulture's aura as if he just saw a black-winged angel came down to save him. Jin was staring at her for at least 30 sec until he spoke ”I was fighting a low-level Volcanic Minion and I don't know why is it hard to kill”
Vulture replied as she giggled a bit ”Well, let me help you then. First I want you to find a good position not here but in the other house. Until then wait for my signal and then fire the most ultimate skill you have. And we will surely win”
Jin was a bit slow for a moment and he repeated ”You just want me to take a good position then do a last hit on the volcanic minion?” while Jin asked that the whole building vibrated again and their eyes interlocked. ”We have no time to waste let's get it done” Jin did not wait for the answer but trusted Vulture at that judgment.
Jin rush towards the destroyed wall which is an opening onto another ruined building that is aligned to the 5th floor is the rooftop of the other building. Jin looked at the only bridge to get onto the other building rooftop is to cross the wooden bridge that Vulture created.
Jin slings his XDR-rifle and slowly walks on the wooden planks. Meanwhile, Vulture uses her Death Terror skill to increase her speed and make other monsters that are lower than her be frightened for quite some time.
Jin has successfully crossed the other side and now he is able to see how the volcanic minion is slowly destroying the building. And he also sees how the woman stranger he just met gets the volcanic minion backed off a bit and tried to get a space between both of them.
”Whoa, what skill did she use” Jin put his XDR-rifle on top of one of the stone bricks and then aimed the XDR-rifle at the volcanic minion which was focusing on Vulture.
”Let's see how you can dance with me, minion.” Vulture smirked, after that she dashed forward she quickly closes the gap between her and the volcanic minion. And because of the quick reaction time, the volcanic minion was caught by Guard.