Chapter 20: Type 2 Ghouls are my favorite. (1/2)
The debris flying as Jin covering his head. After that explosion, Jin analyze his surroundings and from there he saw a group of ghouls walking towards him. ``damn this is because of that damn explosion`` Jin thought.
Jin grabs his XDR-rifle and reloads it. Now that his magazine is full again a tab appeared in front of him, notifying that his mag is now in medium level.
[Magazine: 16/30]
Jin aimed his XDR-rifle towards the group of walking ghouls. Suddenly one of the ghouls in the group stop walking and it suddenly evolves into a type 2 ghoul with horns and a reddish-colored body. Its fangs grew fang a fang of a tiger.
”This will be an awful fight!” after that another ghoul turned into a type 2 ghoul. In total 4 levels 5 ghouls and 2 type-2 levels 7 ghouls.
[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Rapid Fire]
After the skill was triggered the XDR-rifle lightens up and fired its bullets and piercing through the 2 levels 4 ghouls that were on the front and leading the charge.
[Magazine round: 40/60]
The rapid fire only did a little damage against the ghouls so he whispered ”Ray gun burst”
[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray Gun Burst]
The XDR-rifle turns red and at the end of the barrel, there is a materializing source of energy. After that, a red beam fired as Jin pressed the trigger. The first 2 ghouls earlier that Jin fired with Rapid Fire turned to ash while the other 2 were burning.
The ghouls kneel trying to get the fire off as they rub it off and they would scream like banshees as they were burning to their deaths.
”That's a good killing then” [Magazine round: 20/30][Current ghouls killed 17/30] Jin then clicked the trigger to fire normal bullets on the two burning ghouls. *Prfft* after killing the two ghouls that were burning Jin quickly reloaded his magazine because the 2, type 2 ghouls were rushing towards him.
Jin whispered, ”Blind aim” [Skill acknowledge] [Skill effect: all negative stats will turn into positive. Negating buffs of the enemy]
After that Jin clicked the trigger. [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst]
Jin aimed the first light laser beam towards the left ghoul which much faster than the right ghoul. And after clicking the trigger the beam of light fired *pheww* and it directly hit the type 2 ghoul but after that, the type 2 ghoul is still alive but as he looked at the HP of the ghoul it is in 10% which means it only one hit till the left ghoul will die.
”Dammit if I fire this another round I need to get faster to reload and then fired a ray gun burst on the other ghoul to kill it.” Jin felt a bit distressed but he needs to decide because there is only 30 sec to think or he will be the one who will be killed.
Jin chooses to fire again his beam light burst on the left ghoul. And as he clicked the trigger of the XDR-rifle and it fired directly towards the left ghoul type 2 it became to ashes. And then Jin whispered ”Blinding Bolt Blue Bullet” when Jin said that his speed increases at blinded the type 2 ghoul.
At that moment Jin was able to reload his XDR-rifle and aim it at the type 2 ghoul that was on his right. [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray gun Burst ] the end barrel of the XDR-rifle materialized a red orb-like beam as it has some electric shock that was circling around, and as Jin clicked the trigger.
It fires a red light beam. And it directly hit the ghoul type 2 on the right. The force that the XDR-rifle produces made the recoil bit hard to control but Jin was able to control it and so after the red beam of light diminished. He can only see the ashes of the type 2 ghoul on the ground.
After that, a blue tab appeared in front of Jin. [LEVEL UP! LEVEL UP!] ”I guess two more levels will not be bad”
[Ability Blind Arrow Blue Bullet (Novice: 4.08%)]
[Current ghouls killed 19/30]
``I should head over there to get some loot then to check if there something left out of those remains.`` Jin stretched his arm and sling the XDR-rifle to his right shoulder and began walking towards the direction of the first two ghouls that he killed. After standing there a blue tab appeared.
[Loot: None]
”You gonna be kidding with me! How come there is no loot!” Jin in a bad mood walk over to the other type 2 ghouls and when he stood there a blue tab appeared.
[Loot: 20 gold]
”Come on I almost get killed and I only get that little bit of gold! Dammit!”
”Open Market” And a blue tab appeared in front of Jin. Like the first time he opened the market there are many things that are being sold on the left side of the market tab there is a chat where there are some sellers and buyers chatting for supplies.
But Jin just wants some bullets because he is running out of bullets. Jin taps the search bar and then writes the bullet name. But because Jin doesn't know any bullets he just wrote Bullet and after that, an entire page refreshed and all he can see are different types of bullets.
Jin taps one named [Cross bullet] after tapping the cross bullet another tab overlapped the first tab. And the specs of the Cross bullet were revealed.
[Cross Bullet]
[Price: 20 gold per 30 Bullet]
[Damage: 45 Hp (+20 if the enemy are undead)]
``This is only good if the monsters are ghouls and not for other monsters.``
Jin taps another one named [ Z-type Bullet] and Jin looks at the specs of the said bullet.
[Z-type Bullet]
[Price: 30 gold per 30 Bullet]
[Damage: 47 Hp]
[+10 critical hit]
”Damn why are Bullets like this are so expensive they even cost a ton of Gold”
After Jin scrolls more bullets but he ended up buying normal bullets that cost 30 gold for 100 bullet rounds. So Jin bought 3 so that his magazine capacity will be full again.
[magazine: 30/30]
After checking the bullet Jin closed the tab for the market and then said ”Open Character Sheet”
[Name]: Ru Jin
[HP]: 1500/1500