Chapter 3: Hoodlum Fight (1/2)
”What the heck are those people doing geez...” Jin exclaimed as he tried to pedal faster as he saw his grandpa's bookstore being trashed.
And as he pedals hard he then quickly jump off the bike and let the road bike slammed to the first 2 hoodlums that were in front of the bookstore.
”This boomer, old man! oi! the boss wants you to sell this property already!” the hoodlum shouted, But then one of the hoodlums noticed a bike is heading straight to the other hoodlum but it was too late.
And when the road bike crashed onto the two hoodlums. ”uhgk~” they voiced out as they felt the speed and impact of the road bike onto their bodies. They then are pushed a few meters away and then crash onto a pile of trash.
*Crshhh cling* the noise of the broken glass and the broken wood were heard. After that, the other hoodlums that were with the 2 hoodlums that have been knocked for a while glared at Jin.
”Errr, you stupid kid!” One of the Hoodlums exclaimed while he lunches himself towards Jin. Jin looks at the other hoodlum that was coming straight to him. He clenched his fist and he leans back so that he would be able to dodge the first attack. And the incoming punch was easily dodged by Jin, and even the second one that was launched at him that was pretty late.
And like, the hook punches of the hoodlums just go past by his head and the other one was so close but still was not able to hit him. Jin forms into a position where his body was leaned forward but lowers in direction. his fist in an uppercut position. Jin waited for an opening so that he can unleash his strength at an exact precise moment and when he saw an opening he tried to punch the hoodlum directly underneath his chin giving an uppercut punch.
”Ughhk” the Hoodlum was directly hit with an uppercut punch and the hoodlum was not able to dodge it. It was so unexpected because the hoodlum thought that Jin was just a kid. And has no experience in fighting. The body of the hoodlum was lifted up for a second before dropping on the ground with a lost tooth.
”This crazy kid is messing with us!” one of the hoodlums shouted angrily, as the other hoodlums saw how Jin be able to knock out one of their members they were all shocked and now scared.
”Let's go and tell this to our captain!” Jin only glanced at them with killing intent. After that, all of the hoodlums run for their lives but one hoodlum was not able to run properly and was tripped ”What-”.
Jin turns around and goes back to his senses and immediately runs back inside of the bookstore. And as he entered the Bookstore he saw his grandpa and his grandma arming themselves with only sticks. Jin then scratches the back of his head while smirking, ”hey grand-papa! Hey grand-mama” he joyfully said as he followed it with a smile.
”Oh, Jin! Are you okay? We are being disturbed by those hoodlums” her grandma said as he walked over to him with a gentle smile. ”Oh I have never seen them outside,” Jin said with a giggle, and his grandpa looks at him and walked towards him.
”You know Jin, I am really lucky I have a grandson like you,” his grandpa said those words while tapping Jin's shoulder and smiling.
”Also Grand-papa and Grand-mama, Father said that you also need to go home. Father was a bit worried about the situation of both of you.” And when Jin said those words, both of his grandparents looked gloomy a bit. But it was immediately covered with their smile while looking at him.