Chapter 709: The battle of alliances part 1 (1/2)
Author: M_W Cancer
Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce
Not long after Leo and the others finished planning, the barrier pushing the avalanche finally came to a stop precisely after covering thirty square kilometers of area in the map, thus leaving only thirty-five square kilometers of area.
The avalanche soon gushed forth for around ten minutes or so before it eventually started calming down.
Contrary to what Leo and the other had expected before, the avalanche only covered an extra ten square kilometers of area. It was because the avalanche was carrying various kinds of debris of different sizes, which caused the avalanche to be unable to move that far as those debris have constantly made some rough walls that hold the snow in one place and slow the rest down the way.
Leo and the others aren't really that knowledgeable when it comes to snowy terrain, just like what they have mentioned before. As such, it was only natural for their expectations to be so far off from the actual result.
After waiting for a bit to confirm that the snowy mountain created by the avalanche had calmed down, Leo turned to look at Elmont and Osborne as he informed them, ”It's time for us to hide,”
With that being said, Leo and the others started climbing up the snowy mountain in a careful and cautious manner in order for them to avoid any accidents from happening. After all, the avalanche has ended not so long ago, so the snowy mountain is not yet considered really safe for them to climb.
Regardless of that, climbing up the snowy mountain was what they planned to do from the start, as this place would undoubtedly be the safest area for them to hide. They could already expect that no other players would try to climb this mountain due to the fact that it is troublesome to do so and that they have other important things to do like looking for their allies and confirming the exact number of remaining players in the Survival Games.
Leo and the others used the ropes and grappling hooks to climb up the snowy mountain as they slowly made their way up to the top. Along the way, they sometimes use the debris they stumble upon to hold their weight down while making their way up or to use it to pull themselves upward.
Also, in preparation for the time when they need to go down the snowy mountain due to the barrier reducing the size of the map once again, they tied a rope and hide them in inconspicuous places, which they would use later on to go from the snowy mountain down easily.
They have many ropes inside their respective Storage Rings already, so there was no problem of running out of it anytime soon.
After ten minutes or so of traversing the snowy mountain, Leo and the others finally arrived at the location good enough for them to see the center of the map and the areas close to the northwest where they are located right now, specifically both the north and west regions of the map.
As soon as they arrived and looked in front of them, they immediately noticed that all the players had now revealed themselves and were currently observing each and everyone's actions.