Chapter 623: Forming an alliance (1/2)
Author: M_W Cancer
Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce
The moment the cheers and applause finished sounding, the ball finally began.
Dozens of male and female pairs immediately went onto the center stage and began dancing while being accompanied by the beautiful music brought by the choir.
Plenty of people also grouped together once again and began talking, either to start a new conversation or to continue with their previous conversation a while ago before getting interrupted by Guild Leader Loki's sudden arrival.
In addition, some people went around the ballroom, trying to find a place they could fit in or they just simply wanted to be alone.
While a few people, in particular the participants in the top 100 rankings of the Emerald Event, directly approached King Elfin the Fourth, hoping to establish a relationship or to further strengthen it.
Lastly, which was the most crowded place in the entire ballroom as of this very moment, the majority of people gathered around the buffet table with countless dishes prepared and began choosing what food they will eat for their dinner.
Most of the people, especially normal citizens, always have this misconception of the Nobles that they don't like to eat during important occasions, such as similar to this ball right now, because they are so busy doing other important things. But the truth is, because of numerous socializing activities that they are doing and the time a ball would take to finally end, they would always prepare a staple amount of food on their tables in order to replenish the lost energy and stamina that they have used.
In the case right now, because the Evergreen royal family took a considerable degree of time to finally arrived in the ballroom, people have been consuming a lot of their energy and stamina after all this time. No one also dared to eat the dishes prepared at the buffet table before the host of the ball arrived since that would be the same as disrespecting them.
Leo was no exception to that. As soon as Uncle Elfin finished with his speech, he quickly brought everyone from the Mischievous Lion Guild, including Orcborg and his Blood Orc bodyguards as well, to the buffet table.
The reason for this was because unlike the majority of the people present whose only purpose for attending the ball was to celebrate the end of the Emerald Event and for being qualified to participate in the Emerald Elven Battle Competition, he and the others, inversely, are here for the secret meeting.
In such an important meeting where everyone would be discussing the possible life and death of the entire Emerald Tree Kingdom, it is only reasonable for them to eat a lot of food in preparation.
It wasn't only Leo who had thought of this, Orcborg also has the same opinion as well.
As soon as Leo and the others finished choosing the dishes that they wanted to eat, they immediately returned back to their table and started eating.
While eating, Leo didn't forget to continue further strengthening the Mischievous Lion Guild's relationship with the Red Fist Guild through Orcborg for future purposes.
They talked about possible future cooperation, such as trading Magical resources, sending capable personnel, and the most important of all, a separate alliance between their two Guilds.
The alliance that was created by the Evergreen royal family was merely to fight against the Naughty Elves organization.
Although such a goal is completely in line with the purpose of the establishment of the Mischievous Lion Guild, what they needed right now is not more enemies yet, rather they really need more methods to further develop, improve, and build up their strengths and advantages.
This period of time where only a few organizations of the Gods of the Celestial World are paying close attention to him is very crucial for the development of the Mischievous Lion Guild. If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity, and would instead focus mainly on going around causing trouble after trouble to all the Gods of the Celestial World, then there is a very huge chance for his force to be destroyed prematurely. At that time, it would be extremely difficult for him to survive, let alone protect all the people important for him and he deeply cared about.
Orcborg's Red Fist Guild is very crucial for the Mischievous Lion Guild's development, especially considering that Orcborg has a green-colored String of Fate attached to him now.
Even though the entire Evergreen royal family also has a green-colored String of Fate attached to them, he knows for certain that they will be weighing the loss and gain first before finally deciding on their move against the Gods of the Celestial World. This action of their's alone is not necessarily beneficial for the Mischievous Lion Guild since there is an equal amount of chance that they would also not help them. Well, after all, they need to protect not only their own interests but also the interest of the people living in the Emerald Tree Kingdom too.