Chapter 504: Stealing some Treasure Beetle’s eggs (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 40100K 2022-07-23

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

While Leo, Chief Lago, and Iasiah were currently escaping towards the direction of the Phoenix Taming Tower, a loud roaring sound expectedly came from the direction of the Storm Sparrow Tree.

It obviously came from the Beast Lord Storm Sparrow, and it was its own reply to the Beast Lord Treasure Beetle.

”It's happening sooner than what we initially expected,” Chief Lago said while looking towards the direction of the Storm Sparrow Tree.

Those two roars that they have heard from both of the Beast Lord Treasure Beetle and Beast Lord Storm Sparrow is definitely the signal that the temporary peace that they have agreed is now broken.

Leo became a bit surprised after hearing that loud sound. He really didn't expect that their goal would actually be completed this easily. Honestly, at first, he really thought that they would have to stay here for a few days. Yet now, just a few hours later after they finished assigning the teams, the peace between the Treasure Beetle tribe and Storm Sparrow tribe is actually already broken.

His decision of not to lead this mission is indeed a wise and correct choice. If it was him leading and making plans, then considering how extremely cautious he is and his hate of troublesome things, then the plan he would have thought of would have indeed taken them a few days just to complete. He even doubts that the result would be like what's happening right now.

”So, what should we do next?” Iasiah suddenly asked.

”Since the Treasure Beetle tribe and the Storm Sparrow tribe would most likely be fighting again today, then it should also be a time for us to begin catching 9 Star level Magical Beasts. But the question is, how should we do it?” Chief Lago added while looking at Leo.

Hearing both Chief Lago's and Iasiah's questions, Leo simply showed a mischievous smile on his face before saying, ”Why are you asking me? The rest of you should be the ones that will decide the plan,”

They already executed a plan a while back then without informing him. Yet now they're actually asking him about what they should do next?

Of course, he's not angry or displeased about what they did that's why he's not helping them. In fact, he even agrees and approves of what they did as it resulted much better than what they had initially expected before.

And that's exactly the reason why he's not helping them right now, because he knows for certain that they would be able to think of a plan much better than his own plan... Or maybe they even already had a plan in their minds right now, it's just that they are still hesitating due to the fact that almost all the time it was his plans that get approved and executed in a situation similar to this.

He can't blame them and neither could he blame himself, since in the first place he is the Guild Leader of the Mischievous Lion Guild, hence he has the complete right to do that. Not to mention, before following him in his journey to fight against the Gods, they even already agreed that they would follow him on whatever path he would be walking.

However, at the same time, his position and their choice before should also not be the reason why they can't decide on a plan. He long already understood this point. In fact, that's the exact reason why he assigned them as the Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild in the first place. This is also the reason why right now he's letting them decide on what to do.

The reason why he was doing this is mainly because, deep inside of him, he's hoping that one day they would also be able to lead the Mischievous Lion Guild towards a better path without asking for his help and approval anymore, thus also marking the day that they'll officially become the pillars of the Mischievous Lion Guild.

”Great, then how about you stay back at the Phoenix Taming Tower while we handle the rest here?” Chief Lago suggested.

”If me staying away from danger could make it easier for all of you, then no worries,” Leo expressed his understanding of Chief Lago's decision.

”I'm really curious. Why are you surprisingly very cooperative and understanding today?” Chief Lago can't help asking. From the start of this mission until now, Leo has been giving them all the authorities and rights to decide on whatever they want. It's even to the point that he had actually conceded the position of Leader to Elvis, which he normally wouldn't do. He's really curious about the reason why Leo is doing this.

Leo didn't bother replying to Chief Lago's question as he simply showed him a smile.