Chapter 483: Hunting Time part 1 (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 36390K 2022-07-23

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Noon came when Leo was finally finished with his training. As he can't continue training anymore, he decided to return back to the base and prepare for their mission of catching all Magical Beasts in this Green area.

His training was really difficult and tiring, even more than what he had experienced back then when he was still beginning to train as an assassin.

Fortunately, it was all worth it, as in the end he was able to make a significant amount of improvements.

With him repeatedly using his Magic spells, each of their Magic Power has improved by a bit. His own Magic Power has also improved along with that, though unfortunately, it was minuscule.

The most important improvement in his training though is that he was finally able to combine together with his Magic spells while fighting, though not completely yet, but he could say that it has improved by at least a half. This was really important for him because this problem has long been causing him a lot of trouble. One day, he would definitely be able to completely adapt to his new life as a Mage.

Overall, Leo was really satisfied with all of the improvements he had gotten after his training. In the next training, he's going to aim to improve more.

However, before doing the next training, he should first ask for more Magic spells to learn. He had realized in his training a while ago that having only four Magic spells to use in combat is really not enough.

Fireball spell, Water Jet spell, Earth Spike spell, and Vine spell.

With such an arsenal of magic spells, there's no doubt that his opponents would definitely be able to quickly predict his next move as he keeps on repeatedly using them.

Although he can jumble the Magic spells all together, mix them in all sorts of ways, and make different Magic spells combos, in the end, he would still only be able to make a few of them. To be more precise, he will only have 24 different variations, which includes two Magic spells combos and three Magic spells combos.

One might say that having 24 different variations is actually considered a lot, but they should also know that not all of those variations can be effective. Some even conflict with each other due to their different Elements.

Not to mention, he also needs to take into consideration that every Magic spell he would use would mean a loss of energy and stamina on his side. Meaning to say, he needs to use the Magic spells in the most effective way possible, not just randomly use them for the sake of having a Magic spell to cast.

Doing so is extremely stupid of him and not to mention a waste of time, effort, energy, and stamina. He would definitely lose against his opponent if he indeed does such a thing.

That's the reason why he needs to learn more Magic spells, in particular Assault Magic spells, so that he will have a lot of choices during a fight.

The moment Leo returned back to the base, he immediately saw that everyone was now present and is now eating their lunch.

”Here,” Cassandra handed Leo his lunch as soon as he arrived beside them.

”Thank you,” Leo said with a smile while accepting the plate.

As he was already very hungry due to his training, he quickly finished his first serve. He didn't hesitate to ask for a second serve, then a third, a fourth, a fifth serve... In the end, he was able to finish a total of ten servings.

Cassandra and the other women beside him were really surprised, as this was the first time they have seen Leo eating so much food. Normally, no matter how delicious the meal was, he would only ask for a second serve, or at most, a third. Never have they ever seen him finished eating ten servings.

It didn't take that long for them to guess easily what Leo was doing before for him to be this hungry.

As Mages themselves, they knew that every time they finished training, their body would soon after begging for them to feed them with a lot of food.

This wasn't only because they need to recover the energy they have lost due to their training, but also because they need enough nutrients as their body is undergoing an improvement, not only in terms of physical gains but also in terms of Magic gains, though the latter would only possibly improve when one is eating Magical Beasts, which is what they are exactly eating right now.

After their lunch, Leo and all of the Executives quickly gathered together to discuss about their plans.