Chapter 409: Leo’s special Star (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 41060K 2022-07-23

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

The moment Leo returned back down, he quickly put up his guard as he quickly began observing the ground covered by extremely thick webs below through the hole the 2nd group had made.

Although the Sandstone Lord Spider had covered this hole, there is still a likely possibility for it to try and check what was up on their ceiling. The moment it looked up and sees them above, it would definitely attack them.

Obviously, he could easily cover this hole to avoid such a thing from happening, but he chooses not to because once he covered the hole he won't have any visuals on the ground below anymore.

He also doesn't want to risk sending out any Earth Elementals anymore to act as his visual, in case the Sandstone Lord Spider would notice them and cause it to become even more enraged.

What he has done has certainly already made the Sandstone Lord Spider mad at them, so making it even madder would be very stupid of him as it might just result negatively.

Leo continued observing the hole until evening came. The Sandstone Lord Spider still didn't make any move, so he finally let down his guard and decided to rest.

He summoned one Earth Elemental to close the entrance of the tunnel from the surface so as to not accidentally let any Magical Beast in the hole that the 2nd group has created, and the entrance where they walked through to arrive in this place.

After doing that, he crossed his legs on his bed and began cultivating.

The arrival of the Green Eagle Flyingboats had brought with them the Magical resources he had stolen from the Twilight Bears in the past, so he could finally continue getting stronger.

As soon as Leo got inside his consciousness, the first thing he checked was his Star.

It didn't take that long for him to find his Star since it was the only big shining object in his consciousness.

Unlike the small blinking light of the Magic spells he has seen before, the Star's light was really big. The moment he entered his consciousness and turn to look around, he was immediately able to see it.

The Star was a circle object covered by beautiful yet fiercely dancing flames around. The flame was light-blue in color, implying that this was the color of the Pure Mana.

It was really similar to a Mana stone.

He had already noticed that he could finally use his Star back then during the time he travels to Will City using the car which was really unexpected because he thought it would take many weeks for the Star to finish forming. After all, he had formed his Star in a very complicated way.

At that time, he wasn't able to further study his Star since he was focused on racing against time. He was only able to know that his Star could actually absorb a specific Mana Element, specifically the Wind Element, unlike the normal Star he had read in the books.

However, now it was different, as he has plenty of time to study how special his Star was.

During his journey to Will City, he was able to notice that he could actually turn the Pure Mana inside his Star into an Element Mana similar to how he turns the Pure Mana of a Mana stone into an Element Mana during his cultivation. Its only difference was, he doesn't need any medium, specifically an Element Mana, to turn or infect the Pure Mana into turning into an Element Mana.

It was as if his Star has a few buttons that allow him to press any Mana Element he wants, and in an instant, the Pure Mana inside the Star would then become his chosen Element Mana. Of course, he was only able to choose from five different Element Mana, specifically Wind, Earth, Nature, Water, and Fire Element. After all, during his forming of the Star, he was only able to absorb five different Elements.

Looking at the Star, Leo immediately began experimenting with it by turning all the Pure Mana inside into Wind Element.


The light-blue in color Mana slowly turned gray, the color of the Wind Element Mana.

He put his hand forward, as he quickly felt the feeling similar to that when he's standing in a windy place. It was like he is touching something, but at the same time, he wasn't. It was really hard to describe the feeling. Though, he didn't dwell any further than that, as he already knows a considerable amount of knowledge about the Wind Element Mana.

Soon after, Leo turned the Wind Element Mana into Earth's Element Mana.


The Mana inside the Star turned from gray-colored Mana into a brown-colored Mana, the color of Earth Element Mana.

He observed for a bit of time, analyzing and understanding the current state of his Star. After spending a few minutes, he then turned the Earth Element Mana into Nature Element Mana, then from Nature Element Mana to Water Element Mana, and lastly, from Water Element Mana into Fire Element Mana.