Chapter 382: Race against time (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 40740K 2022-07-23

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

At this moment, the investigation group that the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household has sent to the other abandoned cities was already in White River City, setting up camp, and was briefing everyone again on what they were going to do next.

As soon as the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household received the report about the missing Chaos Mana in Silver City, they quickly assembled an investigation group to go towards all of the other cities of Silver Kingdom to investigate about the current status quo of the Chaos Mana over there place, specifically the Mischievous Lion organization stationed in the Southwest Fortress sent men to the Blacksmoke City, the Heart Noble Household sent men to the Blue Coral City, and lastly, the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household sent men to the Green Weed City, White River City, Williams City, Will City, and Honoris City.

Right now, the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance and Snow Noble Household's first stop was the White River City.

Aside from investigating, their other intention was clearly to find who exactly was doing all of this.

Just like what Leo had assumed before, Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and even Madam Silva who was already busy repacking all of the Sword and Magic's inventory were alerted by such a shocking event.

Well, who won't be shocked by an entire city's worth of Chaos Mana to suddenly disappeared in a single night? Even Emperors of every empire throughout the entire Celestial World would be alerted about such an event if they got to hear about it, not to mention Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and Madam Silva.

So far though, they only received a report stating that the Blacksmoke City, Green Weed City, and Blue Coral City only has a slight bit of favorable change on their Chaos Mana until now. While on the other hand, the Snow Noble Household, with the help of the Crystal Skull Family and Honoris Family, since they're both parts of the Snow Noble Household now, with the majority of their manpower, has been able to cut-half of the Chaos Mana on both Snow City and Crystal Skull City.

However, the moment the investigation group arrived at White River City, they immediately noticed that all the Chaos Mana has also disappeared as well.

Without any hesitation, they immediately sent out a Messenger Raven to the Silver City to quickly report to them about their findings and to also inquire on what they should do next.

Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, and Madam Silva who soon received the report immediately gathered everyone for a meeting which lasted for many hours, causing the investigation group to be delayed by a few hours.

In the end, they reached the same conclusion, which is to continue going to Will City.

But only this time, though, the investigation group stationed at White River City would go to the Will City at the same time as the investigation group sent to the Williams City, just to be safe.

Currently, the investigation group going to Williams City was extremely slow as they were doing their task in the most inconspicuous way possible in case there might be still remaining remnants of the Black organization over there.

If ever there were indeed any remaining remnants of the Black organization, then they will not hesitate to temporarily abandon their purpose of investigating the Chaos Mana and change it to catch those remaining remnants before going back to the investigation once again. After all, it's alright to postpone the investigation of the Chaos Mana for a day or two, while on the other hand, the remaining remnants of the Black organization would already be able to hide themselves again with such a given amount of time.

The moment the investigation group stationed in White River City received this change of plans, they then gathered everyone to begin this meeting.

The one in-charged of this investigation group was a four people that Leo has met in the past.

Magical Knight Karl from Silver Family!

Vismot from the Snow Noble Household!

And lastly, both Evangelion and Clydesdale from Sword and Magic!

With such a line-up, it was expected already for this investigation group to be efficient.

However, what happened, in reality, was in fact a lot of delays. No, to be more precise, they were purposely delaying everything.
