Chapter 335: The Silver brother (1/2)
Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce
Crown Prince Edward could have actually dodged Commander Nov's attack easily, considering if only he used the Short Distance Blink spell to escape out of its range. But if he had indeed done that, then Leo would, in turn, be receiving the full brunt of sword wave attack. With how fast and big the sword wave was, Leo would definitely be unable to dodge. The chances of him dodging are also close to zero.
Commander Nov's Volcanic Slash spell was actually a Galaxy level Magic spell of the Magma Element. Additionally, with him being a Galaxy level Mage, the Volcanic Slash he had casted would obviously also have the strength of Galaxy level Magic spell.
On the other hand, Crown Prince Edward was still a peak 9 Star level Mage, and despite the Aquatic Slash spell being one of the Galaxy level Magic spell of the Water Element, but with him not being in the Galaxy level yet, the power of the Magic spell was only able to release a strength of those in the peak of 9 Star level.
As a result, the Aquatic Slash was destroyed and the Volcanic Slash continued shooting straight towards Crown Prince Edward.
Out of the expectations of everyone watching, a white sword wave suddenly hit the magma sword wave, and right after causing it to be redirected towards another direction.
The tower that connects the south wall and east wall together was immediately cleaved into half with the surrounding wall turning into magma.
An explosion quickly followed after, which right after caused a strong shockwave to assault every nearby direction.
The tower that was cleaved into half was slowly turning into rumbles as its debris slowly crumbled down to the ground. The nearby south wall and the east wall was also affected as a small part of it slowly crumbled down.
Seeing this, Leo immediately started running away so that he won't get affected by the after-effects of Commander Nov's Volcanic Slash spell attack.
Moments later, the crumbling of the south and east wall finally stopped, and what appeared soon after when the dust finally cleared off was the southeast corner destroyed, specifically the tower was now destroyed beyond everyone's recognition. Everyone outside the Silver city could already see the inside of the city as the wall that was supposedly blocking the view inside was destroyed and had turned into a pile of hot and burning pile of stone bricks slowly being turned into magma.
An attack caused by a Galaxy level Mage was really something to be wary about. Imagine, just one Magic spell in the level of Galaxy level was already enough to destroy a small part of the Silver city wall that wasn't destroyed even after receiving hundreds of war weapons attacks.
Fourth Prince Ethan appeared beside Crown Prince Edward, assisting the latter to slowly glide down and soon after landed beside Leo.
”That was very dangerous, you should have just dodged to the side instead of blocking it for me!” Leo said to Crown Prince Edward. But his eyes soon after turned grateful as he said, ”But still, thank you!”
To be honest, the moment he saw Commander Nov's attack shooting towards his direction, he had already thought of just simply jumping off the wall. He wasn't afraid of falling straight down to the ground because all of his Elementals would jump off with him as well to save him from dying. Like for example, the Earth Elementals will use its Earth Manipulation to create a handmade entirely out of stone using the wall as the material to catch him, or the Nature Elemental would do it instead by creating roots and vines. The Water Elementals could also create something akin to flowing water on the wall and he would slowly slide off the wall using the Death Wake Dagger, a Magic weapon with very strong durability, to lessen the momentum of his fall. He does admit that it would certainly be dangerous, but it was something he could pull off. Though he would definitely be going for the former choice than the latter choice, because landing on the ground would in turn require him to defend against that powerful shockwave.