Chapter 284: Building foundation for breakthrough to the 3 Star level part 2 (1/2)
Author: M_W Cancer
Leo immediately found a comfortable spot to begin forming the Star, specifically it was on the top of the Commander's Palace wall where his front is facing the moon of the night.
”Base on the book, I should not try to do the hard way, which is to gather more Mana while forming the Star, but rather just use what amount of Mana my consciousness could fully contain within,” Leo said to himself.
Leo sat down on the stone, brick floor before crossing his legs together. Then he closed his eyes before gathering Mana from his surrounding.
”This process would also let me know my maximum Mana Capacity.” Leo whispered to himself while gathering the Mana from his surrounding.
What Leo had just said was indeed correct. By gathering Mana until his consciousness is full, he would know just how much Mana could his consciousness at this point could handle.
Mana was slowly being filled inside Leo's consciousness, filling it slowly and slowly and slowly.
The small twinkling light of the Fireball spell and Green Terrain spell was also drowning within this Mana, though it didn't cause any sort of effect to them because they were made off using a certain Element Mana, hence Pure Mana wouldn't be able to get inside them. If the Mana being gathered was of Fire or Nature Element instead, then one of them would definitely start treating this as a feast, eating all they can in order to strengthen themselves.
Moments later, Leo's consciousness was finally filled to the brim. There was no longer any space for him to put any Mana within, signaling him to stop. He also began suppressing the Mana to not cause any damage to his consciousness.
However, seemingly out of nowhere, the Red Cube suddenly started consuming the Mana that he has worked really hard in order to fill his consciousness.
”Wait, a moment... what the heck is the Red Cube doing?” Leo exclaimed inwardly due to being surprised. But, after a few seconds of being surprised, rather than trying to stop what is currently going on, he instead began gathering more Mana.
Ever since the Red Cube had merged with his consciousness, it had never once tried harming him. In fact, all of the things it had done so far was to help him in his path as a Mage, from easily gathering Mana in Mana stones, the Triple Layer Magic circle, and even the unique Cultivating technique that allows him to improve in a much faster rate compared to the others. So, the Red Cube absorbing the Mana he had gathered in his consciousness should be its act to help him once again.
Mana continued being filled inside Leo's consciousness while the Red Cube continued to busy itself from gathering the Mana into somewhere he doesn't have any clue about, seemingly intending to do something that he doesn't have any idea yet.
This continued on for over 5 hours straight before Leo was finally able to fill up his consciousness with Mana without the Red Cube trying to consume the Mana anymore.
”It seems like the Red Cube is now also filled. Then, I should begin forming the Star.” Leo thought to himself. With the Red Cube done, he can now focus on forming the Star.
After saying that, Leo quickly began gathering all the Mana in his consciousness into one single point. At first, it was very hard because other than this was his first time doing this, with how full his consciousness was, it was also nearly impossible to gather them into one single point.
He needed to push all of the Mana in every direction into a single point, which required him to fully focus and concentrate to the maximum limit.
It was only after a few hours later when he finally finished gathering them at one point.
Out of a sudden, Leo was completely caught off guard when the Red Cube began releasing the Mana it had gathered within itself.
However, unlike the Pure Mana he had just gathered before, the Red Cube was surprisingly releasing an Element Mana, specifically the Fire Element. The Fire Element Mana seemingly formed into a river as it slowly flows towards the gathered big ball of Mana.
While that was happening, Leo felt that the big ball of Mana would be destroyed, hence he quickly began suppressing them so as to not let them get destroyed, which at the same time also began the merging of the Mana inside the big ball of Mana.
”Isn't this what the book had mentioned as the hard way?” Leo soon after became dumbfounded the moment he discovered this.
Just like what the book had mentioned, it was also possible for a Mage to keep on gathering Mana while forming the Star. But it was extremely hard because he would need to gather Mana from his surrounding, suppress the gathered Mana so that it won't cause any damage to his consciousness, and lastly suppress the big ball of Mana to begin it's merging process. He needs to do all three at the same time, which is what makes it extremely hard.
To be honest, he had indeed thought of doing it that way, but since this was his first time, and also being not yet knowledgeable about Magic related stuff, he decided not to.
However, with the Red Cube's help, what the book had mentioned as extremely hard became very easy, or more appropriately, it became smooth as a flowing river, as in literally.
It wasn't only that, it seems like his Star would be different from the others because it wouldn't be formed out of Pure Mana alone, but also with Fire Element Mana. No, it seems like it would also be formed out of the 5 Elements of Fire, Water, Nature, Earth, and Wind.