Chapter 240: The Smiling Lion group (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 46380K 2022-07-23

Author: M_W Cancer

After arranging all of those, Leo and the others, excluding Jeffrey, went towards the street opposite to Aries Weapons, the Smiling Lion street.

Unlike any other streets, the Smiling Lion street was unexpectedly the poorest of them all. Even in Mischievous Lion organization, Leo was still poor. Not because his Master Olivia doesn't care about him, but simply because everything that he earns are reinvested back to the Smiling Lion street, just like in Heart city.

Aside from a manor at the very end of this street, there were only a few residential buildings, a small training ground, a building that Leo had said was the Headquarters for his Smiling Lion group, and the most useless but can't be seen amongst the other streets, a fountain. The rest were open lands because there were also no buildings for some businesses and the likes.

Although it was almost an empty street, it was still big nonetheless, specifically 25,000 square meters big. Leo had explained to them that he purposely made it this way so as to not have a troublesome space when he finally decides on what to do with the empty land later on. In his opinion, when there are plenty of buildings around his land, if ever he wants something to be replaced, he needs to either destroy the building or reconstruct it to his liking, which in both cases not just troublesome but it would also cost him even more money, not only to destroy or reconstruct the building, but also to hire more people to manage the finance, security, the land, and the business of being a landowner in itself.

Moreover, not to mention he also needs to have a place to dump all of those trashes, which includes the dead bodies of the people who dare to break rules and laws in his street, specifically a much more bigger place since there would obviously be more population compare to its current state now, and the debris after destroying or reconstructing a building as well.

”Why have a fountain, though?” Charlotte suddenly asked.

”Oh, that's not actually just an ordinary fountain. That's similar in function to the 8 fountains up above the ground in Lion Heart city, that fountain is a secret passage to go in and out of this place.” Leo explained, ”Aside from my Master Olivia, only the members of the Smiling Lion knew about this place, though that also includes all of you now.”

”Isn't it... a bit unnecessary?” Princess Elaine suddenly asked.

”The Smiling Lion group is well known for being one of the most active group in terms of completing missions, but yet at the same time really inconspicuous. It is because of this fountain why we are able to achieve all of those.” Leo explained, but only the rough parts. Of course, he wouldn't really reveal to them the entirs truth, especially with Princess Elaine present, that the fountain is actually a secret passageway connecting to hundreds of secret passages all around the entire Southern region of Silver Kingdom. This was the exact reason why the Smiling Lion group can appear anywhere and also vanish anytime they wanted to. This is also the exact reason why almost every mission that the Smiling Lion group handles were successful, which also earns them numerous titles such as Night Walker, Night Repear, and many more titles related to killers in the dark or night.

Charlotte and the others nodded in understanding. They didn't dare ask any more questions because they are aware that there are things that they just can't know, at least at this moment.


Moments later, Leo and the others finally entered the street. With how empty the street was, members of the Smiling Lion group was easily able to spot Leo walking towards the manor.

”Excellency, Leo, is finally back!”

”Men, gather in the fountain to great our Excellency, Leo!”




Before Leo could even arrive in front of his manor, there were already hundreds of people waiting for him forming in an almost perfect row of lines.

”Virgo's Scouts, reporting to Excellency, Leo!”

”Libra's Police, reporting to Excellency, Leo!”

”Scheming Shadows, reporting to Excellency, Leo!”

In the Smiling Lion group, there exist these 3 Departments that represents the difference responsibilities of the group's members.