Chapter 233: Who’s the other one to do the Consciousness Labyrinth? (1/2)
”Ehem!” Leo coughed to pull everyone's attention back to reality.
To be honest, he was actually in a rush to quickly make them decide who will do the Consciousness Labyrinth training because more than half a day has already passed, which means they only have 1 and less than half a day or 2 and less than half a day remaining before Ash and her army arrives at the Southern Fortress. Although that may sound a lot, it's actually not. After all, there is no sure guarantee when exactly the discussion between his Master Olivia and the Queen of Blue Fin Kingdom would finish. So, even if they could indeed arrive in the time that they have expected, they would still need to wait longer for the discussion to finish.
Moreover, they also need to sleep so as to recuperate their bodies after traveling for nearly half a day while fighting and hiding from the Magical Beast of Hundred Hills, which means another time wasted, but necessary.
Charlotte and the others quickly turned to look at Leo after hearing his cough, waiting for what his going to say to them.
”Blaze and I talked about completing the challenge and the right of entry a while ago, and we agree with the deal 1 person equals to 8 people, including the one who completes the challenge, so right now we only need one other person for all of us to get inside the Mischievous Lion organization's Headquarters.” Leo explained, ”It's also possible for no one to step in, the rest would just have to wait outside while I take care of the business I came here for. But, Charlotte would definitely be coming for sure because I need her to personally choose her Magic weapon. And so is Princess Elaine, because her safety is our topmost important responsibility right now.”
Hearing the first part of Leo's words, everyone was still beaming with a smile, but as soon as they heard Charlotte needs to come with him, their smile suddenly began twitching.
The most powerful person aside from Charlotte was only Jeffrey, Matt, and Venice that has a cultivation of 3 Star level, followed after by Number 1 to Number 10 that has a cultivation ranging from 1 Star level to 2 Star level, and then lastly Ahmed, Brad, and Jasmine that has a No Star level.
Therefore, with their current location the moment they exit this place right now, no one would definitely be able to guarantee their safety without Charlotte. After all, they are basically located right in the middle of the Hundred Hills territory, and although the ruler of Hundred Hills is a tamed Magical Beast of Sagittarius Sandra, that still doesn't surely guarantee that no soldiers of that Mountain Gorillas or other Magical Beast wouldn't attack them, not to mention they are outside of the Mischievous Lion organization's Headquarters, which means they are not part of the organization and hence it meant they can kill them.
Moreover, Princess Elaine who still hasn't revealed her real strength would actually also be coming with Leo. It would have been fine if she stays with them because she's an unknown variable that may or may not be able to save them in times of danger, but now that she's also coming with Leo, there is absolutely no chance for all of them to survive anymore until Leo finally decides to exit the Mischievous Lion organization's Headquarters.
Right after hearing Leo's words, Charlotte and the others began looking at each other.
”With my fears and past experiences, it's a sure guarantee that I will die, so I leave the choice to you guys.” Charlotte said, immediately eliminating herself. To be honest, she actually doesn't need to sacrifice her life since she's definitely going inside with Leo. Also, this is not even a question of being selfish or morality, because the risk if she accepts this Consciousness Labyrinth training is her very own life which just got free from the hands of Young Master Denver. If this was that Death's Cage or the Fire and Ice room, she would definitely not hesitate to volunteer, but with the mind and spirit involved, she's 100% sure that she's not confident with that, not to mention she had just lost the Mage who she swore loyalty to, basically the most important person in her life. So, with this Consciousness Labyrinth, that person would definitely be included.
”I also don't want to experience the Consciousness Labyrinth. To tell you the truth, I've caused countless of deaths when I locked Ethan in his room in the past, so those people would definitely show up and attack me. Eyyy, it's even so scary just thinking of those thoughts alone.” Princess Elaine also followed after while hugging herself and shivering out of fear.
With Charlotte and Princess Elaine excluding themselves, everyone quickly began looking to the other remaining people.
”I think I will pass in this. I'm still not ready to face my dead wife.” Jeffrey also quickly excluded himself.
”So am I... Just thinking of those people we have killed back at Dragon Horn Empire, my body already starts to feel fearful!” Number One said.
”I also don't want to...” Number Two said.
”So sorry, I'm really scared of ghosts, and not to mention dead people walking, talking, and even capable of interacting with me. They would even hunt me too, just like what Leo had said and experienced...” Lastly, Number Ten also doesn't want to experience the Consciousness Labyrinth.
At this moment, there were only Venice, Matt, Ahmed, Brad, and Jasmine remaining after Number One to Number Ten decided to exclude themselves.
Seeing that everyone was feeling fearful, Venice slowly raised her hand, ”I-” But she was immediately stopped by Matt.
”I'll volunteer!” Matt said with full determination in his voice.
”But, Matt! I want to volunteer!” Venice quickly persuaded.
”No, Venice, we both know just how traumatic was your past. So, you experiencing the Consciousness Labyrinth would definitely cause you to die.” Matt replied.
”But your past was also traumatic!” Venice argued back.
”What's so scary about a Slave Merchant that likes to abuse me every single day? HAHAHA, with the current me right now, even a hundred or worst thousands of them wouldn't be able to beat me! So, trust me, will you?” Matt said while looking straight at Venice's eyes.
Hearing that, Venice could only helplessly nod her head. With those words, what can she even argue back?
”Okay then, off I go!” Matt said as he slowly turned around while walking to the door, ”Wish me, good luck everyone!”