Chapter 225: Preparation for the battle against Sword and Magic organization (1/2)
When the sun arrived up at the very middle of the Commander's Palace, clearly indicating the time to be early afternoon, a member of the Mischievous Lion organization soon after arrived to knock on the big wooden door to give Leo and the others the reply of the Southwest Fortress and Heart city.
After finishing with the meeting yesterday night, Leo quickly wrote a letter about Ash's plan and passed it to two members of the Mischievous Lion organization to bring it to his senior brothers at Southwest Fortress and to his Master Olivia at Hearts city, specifically using a Magical Beast Mail Bird. The sooner they start with this plan, the better, as it also meant the Sword and Magic wouldn't be able to come up with any sort of plan to attack any of the Mischievous Lion organization's territories.
The door of the Commander's Palace opened, and Leo slowly walked outside to receive the letter.
After opening the letter and reading the reply, Leo's mouth then formed into a slight smile.
”Fortunately, my two senior brothers didn't think of making it hard for me.” Leo breathes a sigh of relief knowing that their plan could proceed easily.
Usually in the past, when there were plans involving the movements of 2 or 3 groups from the 12 Zodiacs, their leaders would then immediately start making it hard for the group who had proposed the plan. It isn't because they want more benefits and the likes for their group, but simply because they want their names to be included in the list of people who had made the plan.
Very simple...
The group who had made the plan, specifically the person who had thought of the plan, would also be the one to lead the entire mission. Obviously, as the leaders of the other groups, they wouldn't just let their men be ordered around by the other group. Not because they are their leader so they should be the one ordering their own men, but actually because they know more about their men's capability compared to the other group, so they know what they are good and bad at, and hence improving the success rate of the people who are going to participate in the said mission.
Leo then went back inside the Commander's Palace after thanking the member of the Mischievous Lion organization who had delivered the letter to inform the others about the reply so that they can finally go and start the preparations.
Walking in the kitchen, Leo then found everyone eating while having a conversation about some stuff related to Magic.
Well, Ash and the others from the 5 Divisions obviously doesn't know a lot about Magic related stuff since they were living in the Twilight Forest after escaping from the Dragon Horn Empire, so they started asking Ethan and the others who were living in the Silver Kingdom ever since young hence being exposed to more Magic related books and knowledge, in order for them to widen their own knowledge.
Leo then sat down on a chair located in the middle of the table as he then put down the letter he had received just now and said, ”Proceed with the preparation after eating your breakfast. We are going with Ash's plan as soon as all three sides are prepared!”
Obviously, what Leo meant about the three sides are Southeast Fortress, Southwest Fortress, and Heart city.
Hearing Leo's words, Ash smiled in delight as she quickly decided to finish her breakfast as fast as she can.
Later in the afternoon, Leo walked around the destroyed West Barracks.
Although he was still far away, he can already see a lot of people preparing the resources and such needed for Ash's plan.
Moreover, he could also see plenty of new faces as they have bought all of the slaves in the Business District in order to add more to their manpower.
Obviously, since he had ordered to kill all of the soldiers, except those from the North Barracks since General Alan was protecting them with all that he got and the Fourth Prince also requested for Leo not to kill them saying that he wanted to recruit them in his group, it then resulted to the lack of extra manpower afterwards. In order to fix this problem, he used the money stored in the Commander's Palace treasure room to buy out all of the slaves from the Slave Houses in the Business District. Though in the end he still adds a bit more since the money wasn't enough.
After doing that, the Generals then started assigning the slaves to different positions, specifically the main fighting force, which are located at the very front, the middle fighting force, which is located at the middle, the rear line of defense, which are located at the very back, and the logistic that would send out the supply in the battlefield.
Unfortunately, he can't assign any cavalry and proper range troops because the slaves obviously lacked the experience needed for such a position. Although there were still a few range soldiers, specifically those Elves slaves he had bought from the Business District as they were natural-born archer, they were still not even enough to form a single line for Ash's plan army layout, so he suggested to only mix them to the rear line of defense so as to not waste what they can possibly contribute to the battle.
So, right now his army was made up of a bunch of infantry troops equipped with both a sword and a shield, and the majority of them were No Star to 3 Star level with the minority being 4 Star. There were also five 7 Star Mages, excluded Chief Lago and the four leaders, which were assigned important positions below the General rank.
On the other hand, the Hybrids of the Eclipse village were left to handle the defense of the Southeast Fortress. It was also because Ash doesn't want any of them to die that's why she specifically assigned them in the Southeast Fortress, though there were still a few that voluntarily joined the battle, specifically a few members of the 5 Divisions that wanted to experience the feeling of fighting in the battlefield to become much more stronger than before.