Chapter 210: Rescue Mission part 1 (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 39900K 2022-07-23

At this moment, Leo finally finished signing the contract with his 40 new slaves, and he was now going back to Virgin Blood Slave House to also buy Salesman #3, since this guy, which he finally know was called Felix, is still a slave bounded to Virgin Blood Slave House.

Obviously, since Felix had witnessed with his very own eyes the start of the resistance, he can't just let him walk away and continue working his job in Virgin Blood Slave House, right? He would definitely get labeled as someone much more stupid than Boss Kent if he did do that.

”Please, just let me goooo! I promise I won't snitch!” Felix begged while hugging Leo's leg.

Leo was already annoyed by this because from Red Axe Slave House until his current location right now, specifically only a few blocks away from Virgin Blood Slave House, Felix had been hugging his legs and begging him to not include him in the resistance. Just how much of a coward was this guy to be afraid of joining his resistance? Or is it perhaps he really loves his job?

”I really love my job, so please don't take it away from meeee!” Felix begged even more.

”Dude, are you a mind reader?” Leo really can't help thinking that did this guy just read what was on his mind?

”Eh?” Felix dubiously asked while looking at Leo's curious face. He quickly thought of a lie as he replied, ”Yes, I can read minds, that's why I want to keep my job because being able to read minds is really perfect for my job as a salesman.”

”Why?” Ash suddenly butted in. She was really curious about how exactly being able to read minds perfect for a salesman job.

”Think of it this way; when I'm facing a customer, I can easily tell what they really want because I can read their minds, hence my service improves, I have successfully made them bought one of our products, and I also earn money from the commission. Isn't that perfect?” Felix's eyes lit up as he thought that maybe he can trick them into not pulling him in their resistance with his lie of being able to read minds. Obviously, he can't read minds, he just thought that maybe he can trick them with it. And so far, the young man's slave, which he finally knows was named Ash, seems to have fallen in his plot.

”So, you used your ability to read minds to satisfy your customer?”

”Yes, hahaha! It's perfect, right?” Felix's eyes lit up in delight. Now, he is absolutely sure that Ash has fallen into his plot.

”No! Not perfect, at all!” Ash shook her head.

”Eh... Why?”

”If you have the ability to read minds, then it's much better to use that to your enemies. Imagine, you're in a fight with someone and you can read what they're thinking in their minds, meaning you can predict their movements! So, joining in our resistance is much more perfect for you!” Ash explained with a smirk on her face. Who on Celestial World would even believe that Felix has the ability to read minds? Unless of course if that person was the same as Boss Kent, who right now was actually showing a face that he totally believes in Felix's every word.

”Hey, Felix! Read my mind, what am I thinking right now, come on! Please, I'll pay you, so just...”

Boss Kent pulled Felix up from the ground before sending a series of questions about reading his mind, what he's thinking, and many more such kinds of stuff.

Felix quickly turned to look at Ash with the eyes that exactly imply 'I can't believe you've just tricked me'.

”I also agree with that statement of yours, Ash!” Leo said in a mocking tone before getting inside the Virgin Blood Slave House to finally buy Felix and make him one of his slaves.

Although Felix was a Human who said that he'd only be buying Hybrids today?


With that sound, Felix was finally sold to Leo.

”Have a nice day, Young Master!” The cashier of Virgin Blood Slave House waved farewell to Leo while smiling sweetly.


”Ash, I just realized that buying a salesman is a really worthy investment.” Leo said while they were walking back to the Residential District to meet up with the others.

”Why?” Ash curiously asked.

Felix, who has an ugly-looking face right now, turned to look at Leo to listen to why buying someone like him is a worthy investment. No one knows, maybe after hearing it he will become happy.

”I got all of his commission from the 40 slaves I have bought from him before, hahahaha!”

”Oh, then maybe I should also consider investing in salesman!” Boss Kent suddenly butted in. As a businessman, he was naturally interested in anything related to money.

”You...” Felix's mood turned even bitter after hearing that the commission he had worked hard to earn actually fallen into the hands of Leo. He had worked really hard to earn it from Leo, so that commission should have been his, even if he's Leo's slave right now.