Chapter 194: Training in Twilight Forest part 13 (1/2)
Hearing Leo's words, Ash can't help but feel astonished before she shook his hand and replied, ”I didn't expect that my name would be so widespread amongst all ages!”
”I was only fortunate enough to listen about your story in the Crescent Mood Dining years ago,” Leo said.
”Oh, then I guess the Silver Kingdom doesn't really care about it?” Ash can't help but ask out of curiosity.
”Dragon Horn Empire is Dragon Horn Empire, while the Silver Kingdom is the Silver Kingdom. What happened over that place is not a problem of Silver Kingdom, even though they are both Human race territories. Only the mercenaries and bounty hunters would really think of thoroughly searching for you. Unless of course if you bluntly present yourself for everyone to recognize.” Leo replied.
”That's really fortunate since I was thinking of establishing a trade route between the Eclipse village and the Southeast Fortress of Silver Kingdom.” Ash explained, ”By the way, I've heard from Venice that you have a proposal. So, how about we go back to our camp, and let's discuss about it over there?”
”Sure, sounds fair to me!” Leo nodded his head without any problem. Just from basing through Ash's words, he can immediately understand that she was actually trying to test him right now of whether he would really dare to go into her territory, a place where she would be holding 100% of his life, or not and just forget about what he wanted to talk about. If he chooses the latter, then Ash would think that he became afraid after hearing about her background. On the other hand, if he chooses the former, then Ash might choose to consider the proposal that he would be proposing to her, or maybe she will just kill him over there instead of in here since his blood might attract the sleeping Twilight Bears. The former option doesn't really show his outcome clearly, but he would still go there nonetheless.
It didn't take long for them to finally arrived at the camp of the 5 Divisions.
Looking all over the place, Leo immediately saw five big huts, specifically around 100 meters big, with a different symbol of Eagle, Tiger, Elephant, Tortoise, and Dragon above each one of them, clearly implying that each hut belongs to each one of the 5 Divisions.
He could also see dozens of people doing all sorts of tasks around the big huts. Some were training, some were in sparing, some were carrying in supplies, and many more...
”You both stay right here.” Ash turned to look at Ahmed and Brad. Both of them weren't part of the 5 Divisions, so they can't come inside to view the inside of the place, and they're also not allowed to listen to their private conversation, even if they belong to the same village.
”Matt and Venice, call out the leaders of the other Divisions. Tell them we will have a very important discussion that concerns the safety of the entire Eclipse village.” Ash ordered Matt and Venice before she quickly motioned for Leo to follow after her inside.
Leo just simply nodded his head as he followed along. Turning to look at his shoulder, Levi was long already gone once again. That little one had surely returned back to stealing the Magical resources of the hibernating Twilight Bears just like what he had said he was currently doing before Leo called to him.
Along the way, dozens of members of the Dragon Division turned to look at Leo following behind Ash.
”Dude, do you know that guy?”
”I don't know. Maybe a new recruit or something...?”
”Surely not, right? I haven't even seen that young man in our village before. Did anyone of you recognize him??
”Nah, I don't know that guy. Anyway, what do you think is he good at?”
”Basing on his hands, I'm guessing dagger.”
”No, it's definitely a bow, basing in his sharp-looking eyes.”
”Stupid, he��s clearly a Mage!”
”Don't mind them. That's just the natural reaction of people who are in charge of leading the 5 Divisions. They will always analyze what a person is good at. Oh, by the way, are you good at bow, dagger, or Magic, basing on your hands, I assumed both, except for Magic at this moment, am I right?” Ash said.
”Yeah, I used both daggers and bows. And just like what you expected, I'm still training my skills in Magic.” Leo replied in astonishment as he didn't bother anymore at hiding his weapon preference or even his skill level since these people here could already perfectly assumed them.
The people of the Dragon Division were really unique. It was so unique that there wasn't even any single powerful person around other than Ash. In fact, the majority of members so far that he had seen were only those of No Star level and the rest were just a mere 1 Star level. Aside from Ash, who is currently in the 3 Star Mage level, no one was of noteworthy in power. If a normal person was given a chance to walk inside here, they would definitely assume that the Dragon Division is weak.
Contrary to that assumption though, in his opinion, this is only perfectly natural. People who are skilled in leadership weren't always the most powerful amongst the group. He is a clear example of that.
To be more specific, people who are good with strategy and leadership prefer using their brain more than their fist, so improving their thinking capacity is a reasonable thing to do.
However, he's already over that mindset. Using only the brain without any power is stupid, in his opinion. How can a person even apply their strategies perfectly on the battlefield when they are weak? The opponents could just simply kill the leaders, and the entire troops would most likely become like a headless chicken.
”Come inside, they'll be arriving any-” Ash wasn't able to finish her words when suddenly 4 people arrived, ”I guess we don't need to wait for them anymore.”
Turning his head, Leo immediately saw what he could easily guess were the leaders of the other 4 Divisions.