Chapter 125: Time to learn more about Mages and Magic part 2 (1/2)
Olivia shook her head as she said, ”Mages are more powerful than you can even think about! Mana is the center of Celestial World, so those people who are capable of using or manipulating the Mana would naturally be akin to supreme beings!”
”You have seen the destruction I had done outside of the Royal Court, right?” Olivia suddenly asked. If she wasn't wrong, then Leo had cried to her a while ago because he had thought he would lose her, just like how he had lost his parents and older brother.
Leo just nodded his head in response.
”To tell you honestly, that aftermath isn't even half-close of what I'm really capable of causing! If I and that person I was fighting against didn't take into consideration the citizens around us, then we would have long destroyed the entire Silver city!”
”In fact, our battle would be so destructive that 1/8 of the Silver Kingdom back then would have been destroyed easily!”
”I'm not flaunting my power or the likes, but simply speaking the truth. And also, looking at the situation back then, almost half of the powerful people of the Silver Kingdom were in the Royal Court, hence no one could have defended some other cities of Silver Kingdom.”
”Unless of course, the King of Silver Kingdom makes a move himself! But, the King of Silver Kingdom is just a small child compared to me and that person I was fighting against combined together, so will the King be able to easily stop us?”
Leo doesn't know how to reply. It was really too shocking for him. After all this time, he hadn't yet seen an actual battle between Mages as powerful as his Master Olivia. In fact, when he saw the destruction outside of the Royal Court, he had thought that it was already destructive enough. Now, he knows just how foolish his thoughts were.
Moreover, he had never known just how powerful his Master Olivia really was. He had only been taught assassination by her and was told that no one in the Silver Kingdom can easily compare in strength to her. He was still ignorant, until just a while ago, about the truth.
”So, what you wanted to teach me right now is not to underestimate the Mages?” Leo can't help but ask.
”Yes, and also no!” Olivia replied, ”I'm not only going to teach you not to underestimate the Mages but to also learn more about them!”
”Isn't that what the purpose of Mage Academies all about?” Leo quickly replied. Mage Academies was established because of their main goal of teaching Mages about being a Mage, Magic, and many more related stuff. So, what's there to teach more about if he would still be able to learn all about it in the near future, ”Advance learning?”
Scholars always do such a thing in order for them to triumph over their other fellow scholars. However, doing it might sound good, but it isn't really entirely that good. Just like when constructing a building, a person can't just build the second floor immediately if that person hadn't done the first floor, yet.
In other words, learning takes process, and he can't just jump in one knowledge to another. If he hasn't encountered the problem yet, then why would he look for a solution to fix it, right?
Rather than being helpful, it would be wiser to say that doing it would just be too troublesome for him.
”What they are teaching you is just the general knowledge. Simply put, they are just simply summarizing everything!” Olivia said as she flicked Leo's forehead, ”It might be good since they are still teaching you everything about Mage, Magic, and other related stuff. But, it is also bad at the same time, since the students would just think of 'It will work this way!' instead of 'How did it work this way?'. Hence, the students only rely on simple things, not on the complicated stuff.”
”Isn't that still correct?” Leo can't help but argue back, ”If things can still work despite doing it in a simple way rather than the complicated way, wouldn't that be much better?”
”So you're saying that, rather than knowing more about the in-depth of things, its much better to just follow what the others had finished working on?” Olivia replied with a smirk, ”Follow what the others had deemed right instead of learning why it was right and not wrong?”
Hearing his Master Olivia's reasoning, Leo finally understood what she really meant to say. It wasn't that she wanted him to do an 'advance learning', but instead because she wanted him to know more about Mage, Magic, and many more things related to that. Though it still sounds really troublesome...
”Why?” Leo can't help but ask. If his Master Olivia wanted him to learn this, then there should be an important reason why right?
”Look at this!” Olivia said as she put up her hand in front.
A scorch mark soon after appeared on the wall of the Cultivation room, though it was soon repaired due to the auto repair array installed within the Cultivation room.
”That was an ordinary fireball, but how about this!”