Chapter 89:Shaming Richton Skull (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 47230K 2022-07-23

Chapter 89 Shaming Richton Skull

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

A while later, Leo could only shake his head helplessly. This situation was exactly the start of the trouble that the Honoris Noble Household had thrown to him.

Looking at the 50 plus people watching him with anticipation, Leo couldn't help but to look at Veronica. This was after all caused by the 10,000 points that her parents had thrown to him to force him to accept the said mission.

”Since trouble had already come, then I'll just face it.” Leo said before walking at the front of the 50 plus students.

Arriving in front, Leo clears his throat for a second before saying, ”So, you are all here to join the Mischievous Lion faction?”


”Please let us join!”

”We will do anything!!”

”Yes, we will do anything to join!”

”Even crossing the sea of flames and climbing mountains of swords!”

Hearing more than or less than 50 plus students' pleading voices, Leo just showed a mischievous smile on his face as he said, ”Then just go and die for me!”

Uproar immediately erupted after Leo said to ”Go and die for me”.


”Are you stupid or something? Is this the so called capable ruler of Heart city? He doesn't even know what's good and bad for him!”

”Hahaha, did arrogance go straight to his head the moment he completed a mission that earned him 12,000 points?”

”He might think that everything can go in his way now since his faction has become the rank 1 in the rankings of the 1st year students Faction Ranking.”

”Yes! Such stupid person had actually earned my admiration awhile ago, pweh! Maybe this is the reason why the Heart city is the poorest city of the entire Silver Kingdom, hahahaha!”

Different voices of mocking Leo's thinking soon after sounded loudly around the place.

Meanwhile, at the side, Leo only scuffed at their reaction as he quickly turned around and motioned to the Mischievous Lion faction to leave the place.

Leo also turned to looked at Justine as he said, ”Tell your faction to leave the place, too. No need to bother about them!”

From the very beginning, Leo didn't bother entertaining the thoughts of letting these 50 plus students to join his faction. His words of saying ”Go and die for me!” was just his direct way of making everyone hate him, hence everyone would then change their minds and will not want to join his faction anymore.

Although, what he had said just now was indeed unreasonable and full of arrogance, he wouldn't hesitate doing it again once the same situation was presented in front of him.

So, after making everyone hate him, Leo immediately planned to leave. Since there wasn't any business anymore, then it was time for him to leave the place.

Justine immediately nodded his head in understanding as he motioned for everyone of Savage Foxes faction to leave with Leo's Mischievous Lion faction.

However, before Leo could really leave the place, a voice familiar to him sounded within the 50 plus students. Right after, a student with a long dark blue hair walked out amongst the 50 plus students' group while being followed behind by 20 plus students.

”Ohhh, so the rank 1 Mischievous Lion faction just amount to this much?”

It was Richton Skull with his Glacier Skull faction, obviously here to cause trouble to Leo.

”I thought that the Mischievous Lion faction was strong, so I follow with these students to investigate. Unfortunately, you are a disappointment!” Richton said while showing a cunning smile on his face.

Leo just ignored Richton as he walks away. But obviously the latter wouldn't just let him leave easily.

”Obviously, my words wouldn't be enough to prove whether Leo is really weak or not. So, how about let's have a fight? One on one, at the arena in the middle of the first-year students building!” Richton said, taunting his hand towards Leo.

Hearing Richton's words, Elizabeth immediately turned towards Leo as she said, ”Don't accept that, it's obviously a trap!”

Leo just showed a smile towards Elizabeth. He wasn't stupid to ridiculously fall in such a lousy trap. However, it was exactly because it was a lousy trap that he had fallen the moment it was set.

”Fight with Richton to prove your placing as the number one faction in the 1st year students Faction Ranking!”

”You were so arrogant just a moment ago, then show us that arrogance!”

”Ohhh, perhaps it was just how hyenas play around when the lions are away?”

”Indeed! The moment the real king arrives, the fake one would run away with its tails in between their legs!”

”Mischievous Lion, more like Arrogant Cats!”

Just like what Leo had expected. It was exactly because such a trap was lousy that he had fallen inside. After all, such a lousy trap equals to easy to understand and comprehend.

Due to these students hatred for Leo, Richton's provocation was obviously a chance for all of them. So, the moment Richton proposed to Leo a duel, those 50 plus students who were mad with Leo's arrogance awhile ago had immediately understood the same thing as Richton as they quickly added more fuel to the fire.