Chapter 82:The Academies secret method of taking care of the weak students (1/2)
Chapter 82 The Academies secret method of taking care of the weak students
Author: M_W Cancer
Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral
After listening to Leo's explanation, everyone had also understood one very important point at this moment; despite banning the Points Trading, all the Mage Academies had actually still left another way for the students to earn points easily.
”But what is the difference between Points Trading and buying Official Seal?” Alfred immediately asked. Points Trading and buying Official Seal was the same. In fact, it seems like nothing was different at all.
”Its simple! In Points Trading a student can use all of their points to do the trading, while on the other hand in Buying Official Seal they can only buy the Reward Points rewarded to the said mission that a student had completed. Hence, Buying Official Seal had limit everyone's buying and selling, since every Official Seal has a different amount of points. Simply put, the seller would face the situation where a buyer requires a certain amount of points which the seller can't offer as they might have more or less than the points the buyer requires.”
”Moreover, with the banning of the Points Trading before, it had already gave every students the mentality that what they were currently doing was called cheating, hence no one would now dare to abuse it. In example, no students would collect Official Seal until it reaches a certain amount that a buyer needed, since exchanging a lot of Official Seal for points in one go would definitely alarm the Mage Academies, hence it might cause the banning of Buying Official Seals like the Points Trading.”
”What if the buyer would just exchange it one at a time instead, like exchange today, then tomorrow, then the next day, doesn't that cover up the tracks of cheating?” Alfred suddenly asked.
”Indeed, it can be done that way, too! But that's the same way as saying out loud to the Mage Academies that they are going to sell their Official Seal soon or they are doing a Buying Official Seal to earn their points!”
”Everyone should long be aware that what every students had accepted and completed is being recorded by the Mage Academies. So, if a student have completed a mission but their points didn't rise or they didn't complete any mission but yet their points kept on rising, then that only means that they are doing the 'cheat' Buying Official Seal!” Leo paused before he suddenly asked, ”Moreover, that isn't the most important part! Do you know the real reason why Points Trading was banned by all the Mage Academies?”
Everyone shook their head in response, except for Alfred.
”Wasn't it banned because its cheating?” Alfred suddenly asked.
”You said it yourself that it was just an excuse awhile ago! Aystt, nevermind that... At first, I indeed thought that it was just an excuse of the Mage Academies to ban Points Trading, but then I realized something really important! The reason of banning Points Trading because of cheating wasn't an excuse at all, but the truth!”
”In my opinion, what really happened was that the Mage Academies have intentionally left the students to use the cheat called Points Trading so that they will have a way to easily earn points, but then the students abused it, too the point that the students doesn't even need to complete missions at all anymore and just wait outside of their Mage Academies respective Job Bulletin office. Because of that, the Mage Academies existence was deemed useless, hence they banned it, but then they soon after changed it to Buying Official Seal!”
”Then why did all the Mage Academies intentionally left their students a method to easily earn points?” Justine quickly followed up. Since making a method to easily earn points was basically going to deemed the Mage Academies existence useless, then why were they still leaving the students such methods.
”Because everyone's talent is not the same! Hence, the Mage Academies intentionally left such cheating method, in order to allow their weak students to earned points but at the same time still achieving their goal of making the students adapt to the cruelty of the Celestial World!” Leo quickly answered.
”It is an indisputable fact that everyone is not the same, that some are strong and some are weak, and some are under the hierarchy while some others are geniuses sitting on the top of the hierarchy! So, what would the Mage Academies do to help these kinds of people? Simple, that is, by leaving them an easy way out!”
Hearing Leo's explanation, Justine suddenly got inspired, ”I finally understand why, hahaha! The Maye Academies had purposely left the cheating methods to take care of the weak students but not in the way that will affect their growth, so they established the Points Trading and Buying Official Seal to help them in an inconspicuous way.” He then looked towards Leo as he now viewed the latter in a different light.
To be able to think of the Mage Academies purpose just by Alfred's small explanation, this already explains that Leo was really intelligent!
”Then if the students abuses this cheating method again the Mage Academies would just simply banned it using the same reason that it is a cheat before they quietly established another method to easily earned points, again!” Alfred said finally understanding it, too.
”Yep! This is simply the method of the Mage Academies to take care of their weak students!” Leo finally concluded.
At this moment, everyone finally understood the reason behind the existence of Points Trading and Buying Official Seal.
Points Trading or Buying Official Seal was indeed a cheat, but at the same time it was also the secret methods of the Mage Academies to take care of their weak students.