Chapter 79:Mischievous Lion faction establishment! part 1 (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 43690K 2022-07-23

Chapter 79 Mischievous Lion faction establishment! part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral


Everyone screamed loudly while falling down to a seemingly endless hole. Everyone was shocked as to why they were suddenly falling down to a hole. No one had informed them of something like this!

After a few seconds of falling, Leo and the others finally saw a bit of light in front of them. It was approaching them fast, very fast.

”Ahhhh, we are going to dieeeee!!!” Alfred screamed loudly while hugging his two feet. Anna wasn't with Leo and the others at this moment, because she was from another section and wasn't able to meet up with them awhile ago. So, Alfred could only hug himself while falling down.

”Bros, this is the end! I don't regret meeting all of you, so let's meet up again in the next lifeeeee!!!” Michael said as he turns to look at his four brothers, Adrian, Angelo, and Raffy.

Suddenly, when the ground has finally appeared in everyone's sight, and at the moment that Alfred, Michael, and the other three had thought that they were going to die, a sudden strong wind suddenly came rushing towards them as it somewhat took their bodies and it slowly made them land safely on the ground.


Everyone landed safely. Alfred, Michael, and the other three were now hugging each other while closing their eyes.

”Stupid!” Leo, Cassandra, Elizabeth, and Angel said at the same time.

Although they were falling, Leo and the 3 girls had already thought that the Silver Mage Academy wouldn't just invent such hole to kill its student. It was obvious that the hole was the entrance that will take them to the real Silver Faction Hall. From the name 'Hall' itself, it already gave them the information that the Silver Faction Hall was a hall and not a mere small manor. And since it was a small manor that greeted them, then obviously that was just the 'gate' for the real Silver Faction Hall, basing in how the Second Prince usually do things.

The Second Prince was known for building huge and shocking infrastructure, so a manor, a small one on top of that, was obviously not his way of doing stuffs. Something bigger was hiding beneath that manor, as in literally beneath!

The real Silver Faction Hall was underground.

In front of Leo and the others, a huge open hall, specifically in a size of two football field, lay in their sight. It was really big, and a lot of students ranging from 1st year to 4th year students could be seen walking around the place.

While walking, Leo quickly spotted Carlos and his faction lining in a counter with a word '1st year students faction registration counter'. That counter was obviously where the 1st year student should register their factions.

”So Carlos had already gone down here ahead of us, that explains why he wasn't in the classroom at that time...” Leo silently whispered.

Quickly, Leo and the others walked towards Carlos and his faction.

”Yow Carlos!” Leo casually greeted as soon as he approached Carlos.

To be honest, their wasn't really any form of a real conflict between Leo and Carlos. The last time wasn't really anything to be angry about as it was nothing but a mere set-up orchestrated by Elizabeth, which was easily resolved, too. Hence, Leo greeting Carlos casually is normal.

”Yow Leo, here to also officially establish your faction?” Carlos quickly greeted back with a smile on his face.