Chapter 61:Finally finding his way back (1/2)

Rise My Elementals! M_W 37160K 2022-07-23

Chapter 61 Finally finding his way back

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

The moon was in full circle tonight. The moon light was brightly lighting up in the sky and the ground. The Yellow Forest, despite being dark, was unusually bright at this moment.

On the top of a tall yellow tree, a figure was silently standing. Hiding behind an inconspicuous stem, looking around the ground that was lightened up by the bright moon up the sky.

This figure was Leo. He was standing still on the top of a tree stem, while currently following behind a pack of Yellow Fur Wolf. Leading the pack of wolves was a Yellow Fur Alpha Wolf, a near to One Star Magical Beast. Unlike all the other Yellow Fur Wolf, this Alpha Wolf was bigger and brighter in yellow color. Its jaws were also longer, and its four ankles and tail had also formed a seemingly flame like shape, which simply implies that this Yellow Fur Alpha Wolf was nearing the stage of its evolution to a One Star Magical Beast.

The Yellow Fur Alpha Wolf was the reason why Leo was currently hiding on the top of a tall yellow tree at a distance more than 20 meters.

Following behind this pack of Yellow Fur Wolves with an Alpha Wolf around was near to suicidal thing to do, since wolves were Magical Beast with a strong sense of smell. The ordinary Yellow Fur Wolves alone were already able to smell a scent within a distance of 10 meters diameter, while the Yellow Fur Alpha Wolf can smell a scent within a distance of 20 meters diameter.

Hence, Leo could only stay behind the 20 meters distance and also on top of the tree to be really assure that his safe from the perimeter of this pack of Yellow Fur Wolf.

However, despite being really dangerous, Leo doesn't have any other choice but to follow behind this pack of wolves.

It all started way back after leaving the hole of the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's egg.


After finishing covering the hole, Leo quickly retraced back his steps using those bushes that he had left behind with an obvious sign. And, after arriving at the location where he had found himself being lost before, he quickly choose a random direction, around the area opposite to the direction that he had already gone to.

Fortunately, just after a few hours of searching around the place, exactly the moment Leo finished eating his meal, he realized that he had unknowingly attracted a pack of Magical Beast, obviously due to the scent of the food that he had finished eating.

Without any hesitation, Leo quickly left the place before he could get himself surrounded by the pack of unknown Magical Beast. It was really a good thing that he had bought with him a few pieces of the Yellow Skinned Anaconda's meat, so he was able to distract the unknown pack using the meat and hence easily being able to delayed them.

Arriving at a safe distance, Leo suddenly turned back. He was quick to notice that the Magical Beast that he had unknowingly attracted was coincidentally what he currently needed the most, a weak Magical Beast!

The weak Magical Beast that Leo had found was chasing after him is actually a Yellow Fur Wolf. A kind of Magical Beast that aren't the type to live in the inner parts of the Yellow Forest, since these wolves were not yet One Star Magical Beast. Though they still like to hunt around the inner region in order to strenghthen themselves.

”I have finally found a weak Magical Beast!”

However, after he went to follow behind the pack of Yellow Fur Wolves, just a few minutes later, Leo quickly came back running away for his life. The pack of wolves actually had an Alpha Wolf with them, and it was currently chasing behind him.

Fortunately, Leo was able to escape again by climbing to the top of a tall yellow tree, and jumping from one tree to another to escape away from the Alpha Wolf, which was not a problem for him since the trees was pretty close to each other.

Of course, Leo didn't just run away without thinking. While running, he was, at the same time, also paying attention to the Alpha Wolf's whereabouts. After all, he needed them in order for him to return to the outer part of the Yellow Forest.

That was all that had happened before.
