Chapter 857 - A Stinky Pill! (1/2)

Lin Mu's attention was pulled to the two pill bottles. Not only because they were the main point of interest in this room, but because one of them was emitting the foul smell that was assaulting his nose.

He approached the pill bottles and looked at them closely. The one that was emitting the pungent smell had its cap broken.

”So that's where it's leaking from…” Lin Mu understood and quickly stored the bottle in another container he took out of his ring.


The container was closed tightly, and the pungent smell stopped after a few seconds.

”Oof! Even with it gone, the stink won't leave my nose.” Lin Mu said while wrinkling his nose.

He took a look at the second bottle that was perfectly sealed and saw a single pill that laid in it quaintly. It was a faint white color, with some shades of blue and Grey mixed in that created a ripple pattern.

”Do these two bottles have the same pill?” Lin Mu wondered and looked into the sealed container.

Both the pill bottles had the same shape and form, but the contents were different. One of them had the pill intact while the other one had a sticky liquid in it.

”Seems like that pill decomposed and liquefied,” Xukong spoke.

Lin Mu nodded his head and took out a pleasant smelling spirit herb from his ring. It was a small red flower and let out a floral smell that was far better than the stink in his nose right now.

Lin Mu crushed the small flower between his fingers and rubbed it below his nose.


”That's way better!” Lin Mu said, taking a literal breath of relief.

Lin Mu knew of the decomposition of pills. While some alchemical pills could be kept intact for a long time, they needed to be stored in special containers. It was these containers that decided their perishing rate.

If they were made from a high quality material and had formations that prevented them from deteriorating, the pills stored in them would last for many, many years. But even then, these containers had a certain limit to them.

Over time, they would still get weathered and damaged. After a certain point, they would be unable to work properly and the pill would start deterioration. Then there were some pills that can become corrosive due to deterioration and cause further damage to the container they were in.

The stinky bottle was an example of that situation in which the pill had corroded the cap. It would not have been this bad, but due to being enclosed in this room for an indefinite amount of time, the smell only got concentrated.

Perhaps if the room was open, the pill would have been completely gone by this time.

”What kind of a pill could smell this foul after decomposing?” Lin Mu wondered and checked the intact pill.
