Chapter 681: The Law Enforcement Records (1/2)

For Lin Mu, entering the place was a piece of cake. No security was enough for him and even the formation arrays couldn't do much since he was able to just go around them. Quickly bypassing them with Phase and Fade, Lin Mu appeared underneath the second ring of the royal palace.

”Hmm… now which one is the law enforcement building?” Lin Mu wondered as he spread his spirit sense around.

A minute later he found the place he was looking for and moved towards there. He checked to see for people and saw that there were easily over a hundred people working in there currently.

Lin Mu thought for a bit and picked his tactic so that he would not be seen. The tactic was one that he had used many times before. He would appear from solid objects and just store the records he wanted before taking a look through them.

He would do this until he found the right record.

”Though it might be better to just ask someone where they were… but that has its own share of different problems.” Lin Mu muttered to himself.

He began his search and ended up spending six hours in it. Despite his spirit sense, the number of records in the law enforcement record room were simply massive. He reckoned that these were all records from a long time ago and thus had reached such a number.

Lin Mu even found several records that dated back to over three hundred years ago. There were records for petty crimes such as unruly behavior and public nuisance all the way to murder and treason.

Though the area where the records for treason or high crimes were stored was under extra security. Lin Mu had to spend some extra time unraveling the formation so that he could enter it. That was where he finally found the record he was looking for.

Lin Mu took one of the scrolls that had a stamp imprinted on its seams that read 'Treason'. He opened it up and read its contents, but was then shocked.

'All official correspondence and documents related to the Hei corps and their reports are to be stored in the royal repository.

—By the order of Minister of Law, Fu Delun'

”Why would they need to move it there? Is there something more to it?” Lin Mu couldn't help but wonder.

According to what Lin Mu knew, the orders to keep watch on the activities of Hei corps were issued to every sect and kingdom on the continent. Which meant that it wasn't a secret and even public knew about it.

Thus, this extra secrecy increased Lin Mu's wariness for it.

”If they have done this for the Hei corps they should have done the same for me too, shouldn't they?” Lin Mu guessed. ”Let's see if I can find anything on myself.”

He then searched for any documents or records related to him and found them rather quickly. They were stored in the same section as well, and there was only one single scroll there. Seeing it, Lin Mu had a bad feeling.

'All official correspondence and documents related to the person 'Lin Mu' and his reports are to be stored in the royal repository.