Chapter 168: Clues (1/2)
Lin Mu heard senior Xukong's mutterings in his mind but did not react. Although they were a little shocking to him, there were far too many people around him, thus he did not want to arouse unnecessary attention.
”What do you mean, Senior? How can someone do that?” Lin Mu questioned.
”I am not a hundred percent sure, it could be something else. But there are far too many flaws in the understanding of the people in this world. Even if it is a low level world, they should have at least figured out the basics such as these. This world most likely has a history of at least ten thousand years or more.
This much time is enough for many generations of cultivators to be born such that they would know most things about the body tempering realm at least.” Xukong answered.
Lin Mu thought over Senior Xukong's words and found them to be correct. Now even he started to think that there was something wrong with this world of his. Suddenly a thought came to his mind, it was something that he had heard about a long time ago.
”Senior, could it be because of the sects? When I was younger, I had heard of stories from people about the top sects and how they were the most powerful and had a great amount of knowledge.” Lin Mu asked.
”Top sects, huh?… We'll see, for now, you should focus on the current task. We can think of this later at a more opportune time.” Xukong replied.
Lin Mu nodded and returned his focus on to the path. Within the time that Lin Mu and senior Xukong had their conversation, another hour had passed by. He could now see the first mountain within which the great slumber bear was sleeping.
Lin Mu estimated the distance and guessed that it would take them another hour to get close to it. They would have to go around the mountain as they could definitely not take the same path that Lin Mu had taken before.
Once they got even more close, Lin Mu could finally see the rest of the northern mountains in the distance. They came to a halt in front of the cave that Lin Mu had previously rested. They took a short rest there before deciding to discuss a little before continuing their journey.
”How much farther is it, brother Lin Mu?” Hei Bao questioned.
”You can see the mountain behind this one, actually. We only have to go around this mountain first and then the route is rather straightforward from there.” Lin Mu answered.
Everyone had seen the mountains before, thus they felt a little relieved with how close their target was from here. Some of them were looking around in the cave, and they had not failed to notice the ashes and charcoal that was left behind by Lin Mu.
”Did you stay here as well before?” Teng Xiaolian questioned.
”Ah yes. I took a rest here the night before when I heard the loud roar. I then went to investigate from here.” Lin Mu answered.
”I see…” Teng Xiaolian replied before looking around the cave.
He eventually reached the back of the cave and noticed the deep fissure that existed at the end of the cave. Teng Xiaolian seemed a bit interested in this part of the cave but then noticed the water at the bottom of the fissure.
The water was staining his shoes, but he did not mind and bent down to take a closer look at it. He even went so far as to smell and taste the water. He did not find anything peculiar about the smell of the water, but the taste of the water was a little unique.
Teng Xiaolian had been a mercenary for about twenty years now and had seen many caves. Thus he was able to tell instantly that it was fresh water that had flown down from the mountains.
”This cave would have been the perfect abode for some beasts, if not for the size of it. Perhaps some smaller beasts would live here, but it is surprisingly empty for some reason.” Teng Xiaolian spoke.
Lin Mu felt a little surprised at Teng Xiaolian's judgment as he was actually right about it. Except the beast in question was on the other end of the cave, and this was just a small external part of it.
”Where did you see the broken trees senior? Where they somewhere nearby?” Xie Bohai questioned.
Lin Mu who had been focused on Teng Xiaolian all this while turned to look at the person who had just called him.
”Ah yes. The trees are right behind this mountain, we should see them as soon as we cross this.” Lin Mu answered.
Xie Bohai nodded while Hei Bao stood up.
”We should continue now. Is everyone ready now?” Hei Bao spoke.
”Yes, captain.” The Hei corps replied.
”We are ready.” The mercenaries replied