Chapter 81: A Temporary Alliance (1/2)
The pungent smell of the blood had scattered a little bit, but the sharp noses of Lin Mu and the masked man were able to detect them rather easily. They followed the stench and soon found the origin of it.
They walked up to a large box that was partially covered with a tarp and checked it. The first thing they noticed was the bloodied paw prints nearby the box. The paw prints were similar to the stray dogs they had seen outside the warehouse.
Lin Mu took a breath before lifting the tarp that was covering the large box. A wave of foul stench assaulted his nose as the tarp blocking it was lifted. Lin Mu wrinkled his nose in disgust and steeled his senses.
Lin Mu went closer and looked at the source of the vile stench. It was a dead body that was lying inside the box. One of its arms was hanging out of the box and seemed to have been gnawed on, probably by the stray dogs.
The dead body was wearing some mangled clothes along with leather Armour that was nearly shredded. Lin Mu looked at the face of the dead body and could not identify it, as it was someone unknown to him.
”Why is this dead body here?” Lin Mu spoke.
”It's a mercenary from the Crimson Fang mercenary company.” The masked man spoke.
Lin Mu turned to look at the masked man and spoke.
”How do you know this?”
”I can tell that from the symbol. Even though it's damaged, I can still recognize it.” The masked man answered.
In response to Lin Mu's question, the masked man slightly lifted the dead body's arm and showed the damaged symbol that was present on the shredded armor. Since the leather armor was heavily damaged, the symbol of the Crimson Fang mercenary company was only partially visible.
Lin Mu looked at the symbol closely and recognized it, as he had also met some of the crimson fang mercenaries before. They all had the same symbol engraved on their armors. Though looking at the leather armor that this dead man was wearing, Lin Mu could tell that it was of higher quality. The armors that he had seen the other crimson fang mercenaries were of a lower quality than this.
”Use your spirit sense,” Xukong ordered.
Lin Mu extended his spirit sense and scanned the body and found out a shocking thing.
”He was a cultivator.” Lin Mu spoke out loud.
The masked man heard Lin Mu's words and did his own deduction. Coming to the same conclusion, he narrowed his eyes that were hidden behind the featureless mask.
”An elite member of the Crimson Fang mercenary team.” The masked man informed.
”Could this be related to the disappearance of the mercenaries? But there haven't been any new reports about crimson Fang mercenaries.” Lin Mu muttered.
”No, there have been more mercenaries disappearing, but because they are far from the town and separated, it takes a few days till someone discovers that they have gone missing.” The masked man explained.
Lin Mu looked at the masked man with a curious expression and asked,
”How do you know of this?”
”Our lord has been keeping an eye on the recent events. There are other comrades of mine that have been investigating this as well.” The masked man spoke honestly.
Lin Mu was rather surprised by the masked man's honesty. He did not know why he was telling him this, but there was probably some other reason behind it.
”Why are you telling me this?” Lin Mu questioned.
”Because it seems to me that our goals are the same, so it will be beneficial for both of us to cooperate.” The masked man spoke.
”But weren't you ordered to attack me?” Lin Mu asked in a nonchalant tone.
”No, I was only ordered to observe you, I wasn't told to make contact.” The masked man answered with a straight voice.
”It seems like we have an alliance on our hands. Well, at least a temporary one.” Xukong spoke with a chuckle.
”You're fine with this senior?” Lin Mu spoke inside his mind.
”I am, at least for now. Besides, you need to learn to cooperate with people, or more accurately cultivators.” Xukong Answered.
”If you say so, senior.” Lin Mu replied.
Lin Mu always felt strange when senior Xukong used his chuckling tone of voice. Since he had seen his real body, it just didn't sit well with him. It was as if an imposing being was behaving like a child.
”Wait, there's something more here.” The masked man spoke upon spotting something.
The masked man then went towards another box that was kept at the side. This box had another box that was kept over it and was blocking its opening. He lifted the upper box and moved it to the side.
Soon more bloody scent spread around. Though this time it was not foul and instead seemed like it was rather fresh. Lin Mu approached the box and saw what was lying inside it.
It was another corpse of a man that seemed to be freshly killed. Lin Mu looked at the wounds and saw that they were bandaged.