Cheng Jian woke up to find himself laying outstretched on the soft, king size matress in Xuan Chaya's room. He scanned the room hastily. Neither Xuan Chaya nor his promised breakfast in bed.
Smiling, he shook his head. Of course, he wouldn't be getting breakfast in bed. He wasn't the protagonist in a romance movie.
Yawning, he dragged his body out of bed and into the bathroom for a shower.
When he was done with his bath, he noted with a little worry that Xuan Chaya was still missing from the room. He look at his luggage and immediately decided to wear another of Xuan Chaya's shirt.
As soon as Cheng Jian opened the door that led outside the room, his nose was immediately attacked by the aroma of fresh food. He followed the aroma ztraight to the kitchen where he found Xuan Chaya busying himself.
”Good morning,” he greeted Xuan Chaya.
”Oh! You woke up already?” Xuan Chaya asked.
Cheng Jian nodded in response.
”Can you do me a favor and go back to bed for some thirty minutes?”
Cheng Jian raised a brow. ”Why?”
”I promised you breakfast in bed. I just want to fulfill my promise.”
Cheng Jian chuckled. His heart fluttering. ”So you want me to go back to bed for not five, but thirty minutes.” Shaking his head, he said, ”And people tell me I'm dumb.”
Xuan Chaya gives Cheng Jian an questioning look. It was nice to know he's been told that he's dumb before now. But it also seemed Cheng Jian was calling him dumb. ”What 'people' dared to call you dumb?”
”Who else but Lan Haiyang?”
Xuan Chaya was immediately unsettled. In under twenty-four hours, that name had been mentioned far more times than he would prefer. ”Well, you are dumb. But in a cute way.” He said.
Cheng Jian raised a brow. ”Are you insulting me or praising me?”
”I called you 'cute.' How can that possibly be an insult?”
Cheng Jian's face brightened up with a smile. ”Oh! That's right.”
Xuan Chaya laughed heartily. How was it that it was easier to convince Cheng Jian than it was easier to convince a kid?
Cheng Jian looked at Xuan Chaya who had turned his back to him and was now busy on the stove. ”I thought you said you'd make a sandwich.” Looking at the mess in the kitchen, he asked, ”What's all this?”
”Well, you mentioned pancake last night, right? This morning, I was about to make a sandwich. Then I remembered that I can make a mean pancake. So, I opted for that instead.”
Smiling, Cheng Jian nodded. ”Oh! That's very nice of you.”
Xuan Chaya flashed him a smile. Apologizing, he said, ”I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise to bring you breakfast in bed. I overslept.” Muttering to himself, he added, ”Mostly because someone kept kicking me out of the bed.”
”Did you say something?” Cheng Jian asked.
Xuan Chaya flashed him a smile. ”No, I didn't.”
”Don't worry about your promise,” Xuan Chaya said with a wave of his hand. ”I appreciate the effort.”
Xuan Chaya snickered. ”That's like saying, 'Hey, you got an F. But at least, you wrote the exams.'”
”You're cute.” Cheng Jian commented. ”By the way, I hope you don't mind that I'm wearing your shirt. I'm too lazy to unpack this morning.”
Xuan Chaya shook his head. Wearing a perplexed look in his face, he said, ”Surprisingly, I don't mind at all.”
”Why is it surprising?” Cheng Jian asked.
”I usually hate it when some other guy wears my clothes. It causes a fight between my best friend and me all the time.” Thoughtfully, he added, ”Instead, I discovered that I like my shirt on you. It suits you nicely.”
”You picked out a shirt for me by yourself last night.” Cheng Jian reminded him.
”I know.” Xuan Chaya said. ”When you were in the bathroom, I could stop thinking about it. I've never willingly given anyone my shirt before. Not even my mum.”
”Maybe you already fell in love with me.” Cheng Jian said playfully.
Xuan Chaya turned off the stove and gave Cheng Jian a careful look. His heart beating fast, he muttered, ”I... I...”
”I'm sorry. I stutter when I'm nervous.”
”What's making you nervous?”
”I think I... Maybe—”
Just then Cheng Jian's phone rang, interrupting Xuan Chaya. Cheng Jian stared at the phone sceptically. ”Who might this be?”
”Are you going to take it?” Xuan Chaya asked after releasing a deep breath.
”Of course.” Cheng Jian said and picked up the call. Pressing the phone to his ears, he muttered, ”Hello.”
”Hello, Cheng Jian. It's Hua Zhendan.”
Cheng Jian removed the phone from his ear to study the number. ”Did you change your phone number?”
”Yes, I did. How are you?” Hua Zhendan asked.
”I'm brilliant.” Cheng Jian replied.
”En, how's everyone at Jiaxiang?” He asked.
Cheng Jian gave Xuan Chaya a careful look. Noting that the former was paying him no mind, he replied. ”We haven't talked for a while, so you probably don't know this. But I don't work at that place anymore.”
”You don't?”
”No. I stopped a long time ago. Since the day you introduced your boyfriend to me.”
Hua Zhendan paused, then said. ”Xuan Tianyi and I aren't together anymore.”
”Oh! How can you two break up? You guys are so sweet together. You even inspired me to start looking for a serious relationship.”
Xuan Chaya looked at Cheng Jian and shook his head.
Hua Zhendan chuckled. ”Really?”
”Really. What happened?”
”It's a long story. For another day.”
”Hmm, okay.”
”So, where do you work now?”
”That is a long story as well. For another day. But, I live in Tianjin now.”
”Oh! Is that so? Where in Tianjin?”
Cheng Jian mumbled the name of the area Xuan Chaya's apartment was located.
”I'm in Tianjin myself. Can we meet a little later?”
”Hua Zhendan. I don't do that stuff anymore.”
”No, that's not the reason I want to meet you. I just thought it would be nice to hangout. You know, catch up. Moreover, I need a friend I can talk to at the moment.”
Cheng Jian didn't reply.
”Can you come? We'll meet at a cafe or something if you aren't comfortable.”
”Okay. I'll see you later then.”
”Okay, bye.” Hua Zhendan said and disconnected the call.
”Are you going somewhere?” Xuan Chaya said, raising a brow.
Cheng Jian nodded.