Xuan Tianmei woke up in the wee hours of the morning. She felt pain shooting through her pain and a stunning headache. None of that pain could compare though, to the pain she felt in her shoulders. Her next line of thought was to try massage her shoulders. That was when she realized her hands had been restrained behind her back. With handcuffs. Xuan Tianmei immediately felt a flood of panic overcome her. Just what had happened last night?
\”Su Yang,\” Xuan Tianmei called desperately. The room was pitch dark so she didn't know where she was or was with her. She immediately thought that Zhu Daniya had carried her off after the party and now wanted to sell her organs to the mafia. Freaked out, she screamed again, \”Su Yang!!!\”
Xuan Tianmei heard quick shuffling and then the sound of the light coming on. She closed her eyes tightly to avoid the rude assault of the light. When she opened them again, she saw the figure of a person. A woman. It was Su Yang. She breathed a sigh of relief.
\”Hey, you're awake now.\” Su Yang said, bent her body till her knees were on the bed and uncuffed Xuan Tianmei. \”You must have a bad hangover.\”
Xuan Tianmei stood up and looked at Su Yang wearily. Her mind tried to understand what was happening, but couldn't make any sense of it. \”What happened?\”
\”You got drunk last night. Very drunk, you couldn't seem to control yourself, so I had to cuff you.\” Su Yang said.
Xuan Tianmei tried to remember and little memories of the previous night came back to her. She got drunk after what even she knew was a few glasses of drinks. Then, she had gotten very chatty, and insisted on removing her shirt. That was when Su Yang had taken her inside and tried to put her to sleep. She had held on to Su Yang and...
It was then it hit her. She had come on to Su Yang. Fiercely. And Su Yang had gotten the cuffs out of the nightstand and restrained her. \”I can't believe you cuffed me because I touched you.\”
\”You were acting aggressively.\” Su Yang said.
\”I was acting aggressively? I'm your girlfriend. I wanted to be intimate with you. Is there something wrong with that?\”
\”Yes. You were drunk.\”
\”Okay.\” Xuan Tianmei sighed. \”Okay. That's fine. But I'm not drunk anymore and I want to be intimate with you.\”
\”Stop it, Xuan Tianmei. You're being unreasonable.\”
\”I'm being unreasonable? Because I want my girlfriend to have sex with me?\”
Su Yang pulled Xuan Tianmei by the neck and kissed her fiercely.
Xuan Tianmei was stunned and struggled for air. She was so suffocated, she didn't even remember to kiss back. She pulled away from Su Yang and moved backward.
Su Yang stood up and stared at Xuan Tianmei with a strange expression in her eyes.
\”What is wrong with you?\” Xuan Tianmei screamed angrily at her.
Without another word, Su Yang turned and left the room. Closing the door with a Big Bang.
Xuan Tianmei was angry, confused and sorry. She knew Su Yang got uncomfortable anytime she tried to touch her, but she didn't know why. It had never mattered before now. But something like this had never happened before. She hadn't realized the intensity to which Su Yang hated contact until now. But Su Yang had professed her love for her so profoundly the previous night. How can you love someone and not want them to touch you?
With a sigh, she decided she wanted some water and something for her headache. Zombie-like, she stumbled to the kitchen to get some water. As she drank, she heard someone walk in from behind her. She turned around and noticed it was Lu Qihao.
\”Hey,\” Lu Qihao said.
\”Hey,\” she replied. \”I didn't know you were still here.\”
He nodded. \”I decided to pass the night.\”
She nodded. \”Okay.\”
Lu Qihao handed her a bottle of aspirin. \”For your headache and body pains. Su Yang said it should be fine before breakfast.\”
Xuan Tianmei took the bottle of medicine and squeezed it in her palm thoughtfully.
Lu Qihao looked at her inquisitively. Then he said, \”I'm going to make breakfast a little later. To welcome you to the family. I promise you haven't tasted anything as good as what I'm gonna cook.\”
Xuan Tianmei forced a smile. With a sigh, she asked, \”Can you be in love with someone, but hate it when they touch you?\”
Lu Qihao shook his head and said sympathetically. \”Su Yang and I aren't very close. I don't understand her or the things she does.\”
\”Oh!\” Xuan Tianmei dropped her head in despair.
\”Hey, don't be sad.\” Lu Qihao held up her chin. \”I said I don't understand her, but I know someone who does.\”
\”Yun Peng. He's the only person I know who can control her or talk her in and out of something.\”
\”Yes. And that's because they've known each other for a very long time. Longer than I have known either of them.\”
\”But... He seems so cold. When he stared me down last night, I almost melted.\”
\”Don't worry about it. He'll be nice to you.\”
\”You think so.\”
\”You're important to Su Yang. So yes, I think so.\”