Qiu Dawei raised his head when he heard the door to his hospital room open. In surprise, he stared as Hua Zhendan walked into his room. \”How... How'd you know I was here?\”

Hua Zhendan stared at the drip attached to Qiu Dawei's arm and sighed. More in relief than out of weariness. \”Apparently, I'm your emergency contact.\”

\”Oh!\” Qiu Dawei said once he realized the hospital must've called Hua Zhendan. He shrugged and said, \”Well, you're the only person I know in Beijing. I didn't know they'd call you.\”

Hua Zhendan nodded. He walked towards the bed and stared at Qiu Dawei curiously. Although the latter seemed shaken, he seemed to be okay. \”What happened to you?\”

\”Nothing to worry about,\” Came Qiu Dawei's reply.

\”You're in the emergency room. What do you mean nothing to worry about?\” Hua Zhendan scolded.

\”I had anaphylaxis. But it wasn't serious.\”

\”It wasn't serious?\”

\”I noticed quickly and came here immediately. My tongue was swelling again. You know, like the first time it happened. But as you can see, I'm all better now.\”

Hua Zhendan furrowed his brow. The-first-time-it-happened was a day Hua Zhendan wished he could wipe out of his memory. Qiu Dawei's tongue had swollen but he refused to seek medical help as he thought he would be fine. After some minutes, he had collapsed and scared the crap out of Hua Zhendan. It was good Qiu Dawei had learned his lesson from that. \”What triggered it?\” He asked.

\”I don't know.\” Qiu Dawei shrugged. \”It must've been something that was in my lunch or something.\”

Hua Zhendan sat on the edge of the bed. Staring into Qiu Dawei's eyes, he shook his head and said. \”You scared me for a minute there, you know?\”

Qiu Dawei smiled coyly. \”You still worry about me?\”

\”Of course.\” Hua Zhendan nodded

\”You got here quick. Were you somewhere around here?\” Qiu Dawei raised a brow.

Hua Zhendan nodded again. Reluctantly, he said. \”Yes. I was with Xuan Tianyi's sister. She's admitted here.\”

\”Oh!\” Qiu Dawei said reticently. Thoughtfully, he added. \”Didn't you two break up?\”

Hua Zhendan raised a brow at the question. \”Why would you ask me that, were you hoping we'd break up?\”

\”Of course not,\” Qiu Dawei said defensively. \”I just assumed you guys did because of the way he goes everywhere with that Thai boy.\”

\”Oh!\” Hua Zhendan muttered in understanding.

With a small smirk, Qiu Dawei asked, \”I didn't think you could take that if you were still together.\” Thoughtfully, he added, \”I just happen to know how jealous you can get.\”

\”We're kinda going through a rough patch.\” Hua Zhendan said defensively. \”And there's nothing going on between him and The Thai boy. He just brings him everywhere with him to make me jealous, I suppose.\”

Qiu Dawei shook his head. He started to say something but immediately stopped.

\”What's it?\” Hua Zhendan pressed.

\”It's... Nothing.\” Qiu Dawei said.

\”Come on, just say it. You know how much I hate it when you do that.\” Hua Zhendan immediately regretted saying that. It made him feel like he sounded like his opinion should be important to Qiu Dawei. As if they still had a relationship.

Qiu Dawei either didn't notice it or didn't mind it. He spoke up. \”It's just that... I would never do something like that to you.\”

Hua Zhendan chuckled in reply.

\”What's funny?\” Qiu Dawei gaped at Hua Zhendan. A genuine confusion on his face.

\”You. Weren't you trying to be funny?\” Hua Zhendan asked sarcastically.

\”No, I wasn't.\” Qiu Dawei's tone had  hint of anger in it. \”I would never intentionally hurt you by trying to make you jealous. It's immature and I would never do that to you.\”

\”Because you'd do worse?\” Hua Zhendan asked.

\”What do you mean by that?\” Qiu Dawei's tone had become irritable.

Hua Zhendan was surprised by Qiu Dawei's reaction. It wasn't possible Qiu Dawei couldn't recall what he did to him, was it?

Anyhow, Hua Zhendan didn't see any use in digging up the past now. He had moved on and no longer wanted to dwell on it. Quite firmly, he said, \”I don't want to talk about it.\”

\”What is 'it' that you don't want to talk about? You sent me a picture of you and some guy together in bed. Naked.\” In a much calmer tone, he asked, \”What did I do?\”

Hua Zhendan chuckled at that. \”Come on, Qiu Dawei. I had gone to your place earlier that night. And some other guy in your towel had answered the door.\”

\”What?\” Qiu Dawei asked. His tone filled with genuine shock. \”What are you talking about?\”