When Hua Zhendan arrived at the pub, he went straight to Su Yang who was still at the bus stop. Patiently waiting for him.
He shook his head in disapproval when he saw Xuan Tianmei passed out on the bench. ”You can't just go around knocking people out because they annoy you.” Hua Zhendan chided her.
”She wanted to brush my hair.”
Hua Zhendan looked at her hair and remarked. ”Someone should.”
Su Yang bit back her rebuttal in fear of having her weekly pay cut again.
”Where's Xuan Tianyi?” Hua Zhendan asked.
”Passed out in a stall in the bathroom. The one to the far left.” Su Yang replied.
”Okay, thanks.” Hua Zhendan nodded at her. ”Take Xuan Tianmei home. I'll take care of Xuan Tianyi.”
”And you can take the night off.”
Su Yang smiled. ”Thank you.”
When Hua Zhendan found Xuan Tianyi, he was indeed passed out in the bathroom stall to the far left as Su Yang had said. He had never seen Xuan Tianyi look that pitiful before. It made him feel both angry and sad at the same time.
He bundled up Xuan Tianyi and threw him on his shoulder. Much like Su Yang did the previous day. Quietly, he drove a passed out Xuan Tianyi to his apartment.
Hua Zhendan took Xuan Tianyi straight to his bedroom and placed him on the bed. Staring at him, he muttered to himself. ”Drinking this much, you'll get a hangover in the morning.”
With a sigh, he walked out of the room. He returned shortly with a glass and some aspirin. ”Hey, wake up.” He tapped Xuan Tianyi gently.
At first, Xuan Tianyi didn't stir. Hua Zhendan tapped him more forcefully. Slowly, Xuan Tianyi opened his eyes and peered at Hua Zhendan. ”God, am I still dreaming?”
Hua Zhendan chuckled at that. ”Why would you think that?”
Xuan Tianyi looked at Hua Zhendan dreamily. ”Because we just got married in my dream. And you carried me in your arms and put me gently on the bed. You were about to kiss me—”
Hua Zhendan broke into a small laugh. Interrupting Xuan Tianyi.
Xuan Tianyi frowned. With great difficulty, he sat up. Massaging his temples, he said. ”This isn't a dream. You're never cruel to me in my dreams.”
”When am I ever cruel to you?”
”All the time.”
Hua Zhendan nodded and handed him the glass of water and aspirin. ”Here. Aspirin. Looks like you already got a headache.
”Thanks.” Xuan Tianyi accepted the drugs and immediately swallowed them. ”It's mild.”
”It'll go away soon then. Better to tackle it before it gets worse.”
Xuan Tianyi looked around him and lamented. ”I asked you to not come for me.”
”You can't call me like that and expect me to not come for you.” Hua Zhendan remarked.
”But you don't care for me anymore.” Xuan Tianyi said with a small pout.
Hua Zhendan chuckled. Holding Xuan Tianyi's chin lightly, he said, ”I will always care for you.”
Xuan Tianyi, uncomfortable under Hua Zhendan's touch and gaze, pulled away. ”Right. You always care for your ex-boyfriends, don't you?”
Hua Zhendan clicked his tongue. ”The thing called jealousy isn't a very cute color on you.”
”You wish I were jealous.” Xuan Tianyi rolled his eyes as he spoke.
Hua Zhendan chuckled again.
”I bet Qiu Dawei knows about your heart condition.”
”I don't know what Shen Rui told you, but I don't have a heart condition. Yes, I was born with a heart defect. But I'm fine now.”
”Still, if you'd told me, I would've told known off the hat that she was lying and trying to manipulate me into staying away from you.”
”Here's something to know off the hat. Anything Shen Rui says to you in regards to me is an attempt to manipulate you into staying away from me.”
”Did she also lie about being our mother?”
Hua Zhendan looked at Xuan Tianyi skeptically. ”I don't think any person in their right mind would question that she's your mother after taking a good look at you. You look so alike.”
Xuan Tianyi was quiet. ”So, am I older than you or what?”
Hua Zhendan laughed. ”I'm four years older than you, you moron.”
Xuan Tianyi smiled sadly. ”I love you so much, Hua Zhendan. Why do I have to live without you?”
”I don't think you have to.”
Xuan Tianyi cringed his face in disgust. ”I can't date my brother. It's so icky.”
”What exactly did your sister tell you?”
”Nothing. Just that Shen Rui is our mother. And she found out on Spring Festival Eve. But then, she told Shen Rui I was dead and she kept it away from me.”
”I'll tell you what Shen Rui told me.”