When Xuan Tianyi returned to his table, the stranger who had been bothering him was still seated there. Seemingly patiently waiting for him. Xuan Tianyi sighed in exasperation. What would he have to do to get rid of this guy?
Sitting down, Xuan Tianyi took a sip from his drink.
”You left your drink open, went to the bathroom, returned, and continued drinking it.” The stranger said after shaking his head.
”So?” Xuan Tianyi asked with a small frown.
”What if I had drugged your drink?”
”Why would you drug my drink?” The frown on Xuan Tianyi's face was unyielding.
”Because I had fantasized about you everyday since I saw the latest episode of The Men Issue.”
”Interesting.” Xuan Tianyi said and took another sip from his drink.
The stranger shook his head again. ”Seriously though. In case of next time, you should be more careful.”
”It's a little too late for that advice now.”
”It should've come a couple of months before I fell in love with my boss. Now, everything just hurts like hell.”
The stranger didn't seem the least bit interested in Xuan Tianyi's pity party. ”Well, have you ever heard of Sexual Healing?”
”What's that?”
”You'll be okay after boning someone else.”
”I don't want to bone someone else.”
”Why not?”
”Because someone else isn't him.”
”What exactly happened between you two? Did he cheat on you?”
”I wish he did. Because if he did, I'd get mad at him, but if he still wanted me, we could get back together.” Xuan Tianyi suppressed a small yawn.
”I see,” The stranger muttered. Peering at Xuan Tianyi curiously.
Xuan Tianyi yawned loudly. He shook his head and spoke to the stranger. ”I'd love to continue this thing we have going on at the moment. But I'm sleepy.”
”I have to go.” Xuan Tianyi pulled out his wallet to settle the bill but the stranger grabbed his hand.
”Don't worry. I'll take care of it.”
Xuan Tianyi nodded at him nonchalantly. He was suddenly weak and didn't feel like he had the strength to argue with the man. Slowly, he stood up and staggered towards the exit. As far as his legs could go before they crumbled underneath him. Soon, his vision blurred and the waves of multicolored bar light was replaced with a peaceful darkness that he could not fight.
Xuan Tianyi's collapse was followed by a few gasps from the small crowd that witnessed his loss of consciousness. Before anyone could react any more than that, the stranger Xuan Tianyi had been conversing with hurried to his side. He picked Xuan Tianyi and supported him by his side. Smiled embarrassedly, he announced to the people staring at him, ”He's my friend. We're together.”
Everyone went back to their drinks and paid both Xuan Tianyi and the stranger no mind.
The stranger supported Xuan Tianyi to the park. Just as he was about to open the door to a white Audi, a voice spoke to him, ”Hey. You have something that belongs to me. I want it back.”
The stranger looked up to see a woman with a head full of unruly curls snarling at him. ”What? Your hairbrush?” He asked glibly.
She snickered. ”No, not my hairbrush. Him.”
The stranger stared from the head resting peacefully on his shoulders to the woman with the rough hair. ”Well, you must've seen me carry him from inside the pub. He's my brother.”
The woman tapped her forehead with her index finger impatiently. ”Are you going to hand him over or do you want to get beaten up first?”
The stranger gave the woman the onceover. She had a slim stature that made her look like she couldn't even lift a bucket of water. Her red leather jacket, black heels and overall dark demeanor didn't make her intimidating at all. It actually made her a little cute. With a demeaning smile, he asked, ”Who's going to beat me up?”
Without any hesitation, the woman planted a kick in the man's torso.
The man immediately lost control of Xuan Tianyi. Before Xuan Tianyi could touch the ground, however, with the combined swiftness of a fox and the agility of a tiger, the woman had carried Xuan Tianyi so he was leaning on her.
The woman stared at the smart mouthed man who was now crouching, holding his sides. He didn't look like he had any intention to put up a fight with her. For good measure though, she flung her right leg at him, letting her heel kiss his face.
Seeing the man in a crumpled mess on the floor, satisfaction sweetened Su Yang's heart. Fuelled with adrenaline. She opted against taking a cab, gathered Xuan Tianyi and threw him on her shoulders.