When Cheng Jian entered the building of Shenhua Corporations, he was glad—flattered even—that he didn't stand out much from most people in the building. Not even his matching flowery chiffon shirt and trouser could make him stand out. Perhaps, the evening purse that glittered would have done the trick but no one spared him a glance. Being in a place where no one cared that what he was wearing might very well be considered effeminate, he felt like he was in heaven.
Following the description he got from the receptionist, Cheng Jian headed straight for Hua Zhendan's office. When he located it, he stopped to read the words; PRESIDENT - HUA ZHENDAN, inscribed in a gold plaque on Hua Zhendan's office door.
The word 'President' sent a small shiver down Cheng Jian's spine.
Cheng Jian had known Hua Zhendan was the Corporation's president. However, it had never seemed real to him until this moment.
Cheng Jian felt so intimidated, he almost considered turning around and going back home.
”May I help you, Sir?” Zhang Lin's voice tore through Cheng Jian's subconscious, bringing his rickety train of thought to a quick unprecedented stop.
Cheng Jian cleared his throat and pointed at the door, ”I'm here to see Hua Zhendan.”
Hearing someone refer to Hua Zhendan by his name forced Zhang Lin to give Cheng Jian the once-over. She pointed to the waiting area and said, ”Sir, please do well to take a seat first.”
Uncharacteristic of him, he complied. Being referred to as 'Sir' in this kind of setting made him feel so important that he was forced to be polite.
”May I please get your name, Sir?”
”It's Cheng Jian.”
Zhang Lin looked through her phone at Hua Zhendan's schedule. When she couldn't find the visitor's name, she asked, ”Did you make an appointment?”
Cheng Jian was amused. So, he had to make an appointment before he could see the president. He raised a brow before answering, ”No,” For good measure, he added, ”But he'll want to see me.”
”I'm sorry, Sir. You can't see him without making an appointment.”
”He really wouldn't mind it. We're friends who go way back.” Cheng Jian cringed at the word 'friends'.
”Oh! In that case, I'll just beep him and let him know you're here to see him.”
”Don't do that,” Cheng Jian smiled nervously. ”You'll ruin the surprise.”
Zhang Lin bent her head in a little bow before speaking, ”I'm sorry, Sir. This is not the place to surprise someone. I can't let you in unless he asks to see you.”
Cheng Jian stared at her, then at the door. With the speed of light, he got up, ran for the door and pushed it open.
Zhang Lin ran after him to try to stop him, ”Sir, please.”
Hua Zhendan was busy going through some documents and making corrections with a pen when the door and Zhang Lin's protest disturbed him.
With a frown on his face, he raised his head to see what the commotion was about, but his frown was quickly replaced with a look of surprise, and then a smile when he noticed Cheng Jian.
”I'm sorry, Sir. I couldn't stop him from coming in,” Zhang Lin apologized.
Hua Zhendan stood up from his chair and nodded at Zhang Lin to go away, ”No, it's fine.”
Zhang Lin took the hint and walked away.
Hua Zhendan walked towards Cheng Jian and pulled him into a hug, ”What are you doing here?”
Cheng Jian was so happy in Hua Zhendan's hug, he forgot about his earlier reservations to see Hua Zhendan. ”You,” he hit Hua Zhendan on the chest.
Hua Zhendan pulled away and held his chest, pretending to be hurt, ”Why are you beating me?”
Cheng Jian shook his head, walked to the chair opposite Hua Zhendan's desk and took a seat. ”I'm so mad at you. What? Four months and no call from you?”
Hua Zhendan walked to the table and sat on its edge. Opposite Cheng Jian, ”Don't exaggerate. It hasn't been that long.”
”Really now? Do you have a calendar?”
”Why are you scolding me? I thought you hated it whenever I called you.”
”I do,” Cheng Jian nodded.
Hua Zhendan shook his head, ”You miss me, don't you?”
”Miss you? Me?”
”You made the effort to come here. There's no point in denying it.”
”I don't miss you. I was just afraid that you couldn't bear the weight of your precious, rich-person life anymore, so you jumped from the top floor of this building.”
”Then, you were definitely worried about me, right?”
Cheng Jian shook his head, ”I just said so, right?”
Hua Zhendan smiled. ”Look at that. You're always cold to me, but you actually care about me a lot.”
”Yes, I care. What's it to you?”
Hua Zhendan shook his head, ”You look good. And you smell nice too.”
”I always look good and smell nice.”
Hua Zhendan looked at Cheng Jian's pink lips and noticed something that made him pull closer to Cheng Jian. He held the side of his mouth and ran a finger on his lower lip, ”Are you wearing lipstick?”
”What are you doing?” Xuan Tianyi's voice immediately sent a shiver down his spine. Like a child caught stealing from his mother's cooking pot, Hua Zhendan immediately released Cheng Jian's face and stood up straight.
Cheng Jian looked from Xuan Tianyi to Hua Zhendan with surprise and thought to himself, ”Just what was going on here?”
”Hua Zhendan, What are you doing?” Xuan Tianyi's voice was shaky but he maintained a cool demeanor.
With hurried steps, Hua Zhendan walked towards Xuan Tianyi and held his hand, ”I'm glad you're here. There's someone I want you to meet.”
Xuan Tianyi's face was puzzled but he went along with Hua Zhendan as the latter pulled him towards his table.
Hua Zhendan sat on the edge of the table again, then pulled Xuan Tianyi into him, and wrapped his hands around him.
Cheng Jian raised a brow at them.
”Cheng Jian, this is my boyfriend, Xuan Tianyi.”
Cheng Jian gasped, ”Really?”
Xuan Tianyi frowned. Cheng Jian wasn't aware that Hua Zhendan had a boyfriend. That wasn't good.