As pissed off as he was at Xuan Tianyi, this kind of beauty meant money. He was a businessman, and there was no way he was letting his prejudice against Xuan Tianyi get in the way of his money. Tactfully, he asked Xuan Tianyi, ”Do you work here?”

”No... Yes, Hmm, not officially,” Xuan Tianyi was still stuttering. Steadying his heartbeat, he managed to compose himself and continue, ”I started today. I'm assisting Xuan Tianmei, and she said she's gonna pay me. So, I, um… Technically work here.”

Hua Zhendan frowned. He didn't know Xuan Tianmei needed an assistant. If she did, all she had to do was ask. She had her name on a door not because she was beautiful, but because she was valuable, and that name on that door gave her the right to make demands. Not all of them would be met of course, but important ones, such as needing an assistant would be guaranteed. More so, the company would handle the paycheck of the employed assistant.

Xuan Tianmei was too good for her good. How she had such a shameless brother, Hua Zhendan couldn't understand. Apparently, their similarities ended at their looks.

”So you don't do anything then?” Hua Zhendan asked in a cold voice.

Xuan Tianyi shook his head and replied, ”I'm currently unemployed.”

Hua Zhendan stared at him. This reserved Xuan Tianyi was no good. It made him look like he needed mollifying. As hate was all Hua Zhendan felt for him, this was difficult. Putting his emotions in check, he asked, ”Have you ever considered modeling?”

Xuan Tianyi nodded. He was very aware of his own beauty after all. To Zhendan's surprise, he said, ”I just don't think that lifestyle suits my personality.”

Hua Zhendan almost scoffed. A philanderer without morals like you. Of course, that lifestyle suits your personality. This show of modesty was a bit over the edge.

He brought a business card out of his wallet and stretched it out, so it was right in front of Xuan Tianyi's face.

Xuan Tianyi took it and stared at it carefully.

”Don't make up your mind too quickly. Think about it,” Hua Zhendan said softly. ”You have the potential to become a star. If you've made up your mind, give me a call.”

Xuan Tianyi nodded.

Just then, Xuan Tianmei's voice came from the door, ”Stupid Xuan Tianyi. Why don't you pick your calls, huh?”

Xuan Tianmei was panting heavily while Xuan Tianyi stared at her like he was trying to send her a cryptic message.

”I'm sorry, that must've been my fault,” Hua Zhendan stared at Xuan Tianmei sympathetically. He did feel sorry for Xuan Tianmei. Being Xuan Tianyi's brother must indeed be a misfortune.

”Oh! President — President Hua,” it was Xuan Tianmei's turn to be feeble. Hua Zhendan had always been friendly, and she had a nice acquaintanceship with him. The problem was, she had never been this impolite in his presence before.

”It's okay,” Hua Zhendan waved his hand dismissively and walked towards the door.

Hua Zhendan stopped at the door and turned to look at Xuan Tianyi. He then said, ”Think about it.”

Hua Zhendan cocked his head to the right. ”Moreover, that counter isn't made for sitting.” With that, he walked away from the office.

Xuan Tianyi stared at the doorframe where Hua Zhendan had stood. Why was this guy somewhat pleasant, yet terrifying at the same time?