14 My Beloved Bride! (1/2)
Being in the confusion, my focus was lost and I was injured in my right hand.
I turned around and stroke my sword against the attackers' neck splashing a pool of blood.
Without wasting another moment I ran towards him and undid his knot which prevented his movement. Then both of us immediately rushed towards the exit.
On the way, I stumbled and fell down.
I lost my consciousness.....everything went blank.
I heard feeble noises when I tried to open my eyes. When I was awake I saw them...
Those piercing blue eyes!
I was terrified when I saw his robe full of blood. Out of concern, I asked him
”Are you hurt?” to which he replied that was my blood. He was there beside me looking after my injured arm.
Ho! I sighed in relief.
”You are so naive!”- He said in a low tone but I heard him.
”Excuse me? what do you mean?” -I inquired him.
”I said you are so naive! You believed everything that he said and even kissed him.”-I widened my eyes in surprise.
”How come you know about that?”
”Cause I was right there... two steps away from you when he abducted you”
”Then why didn't you do anything after knowing he lives in the dungeon secretly?”