3 8 years later.... (1/1)
But all these happened a long time ago... may be eight years before?
Now this princess is twenty. Yeay!
A lot happened in between these years, my parents passed away three years before..
leaving the kingdom in the hands of uncle Peter. Living in the grief of losing them,
I left my kingdom for my higher studies and came to Alaska.
Here I made a few best friends Elsa,Rowan and Archie. We usually hang out a lot and go out for dates but never in these years I have met a boy like him... like Edward. No boy was able to capture my heart like the way he did!
I remember it was a day before yesterday....in the morning getting a call from my Uncle.
He often calls me to tell the changes in administration of the kingdom.This time it was not what I expected!
He said 'its time for my coronation'.
Even when Zola is the eldest I have to be the Queen because they are not my blood related siblings.
But I was not worried about the coronation the thing which I was worried was the catch in between!
In my kingdom there as certain rules that the royal family are obliged to obey and one of is that an unmarried prince/princess can never take the crown.
For this he had already accepted the marriage proposal of Blue-ray kingdom's King.
I can't believe my uncle is getting me into a forced marriage at the age of twenty.