195 Yui Yukio (1/2)

”Anyway, let's go,” said Linri as he started to leave.

”Go where?” Rina asked she followed behind him still flushed due to what just happened. She didn't want to throw a tantrum as that would make her feel like he had won.

”To find our third teammate”

”I also had thought about that. I think we should ask Yui”

”Yui? Who is that?” That was a foreign name to Linri.

”What? You bastard! You didn't even know her name but you tried to kill her!”

”Woah Woah Woah, stop for a second. I didn't try to kill anyone in the school. Well, as far as I remember at least?” Linri was no saint but he was not going to admit to attempted murder, especially when it wasn't him who did that.

”Don't deny that! At least be a man about your actions. You tried to kill her during The Game!”

”First of all, I knew that no one was going to die back then. Secondly, who is Yui? I don't remember anyone by that name”

”She had light blue hair and yellow eyes. He was in our session of the friendship game. Does this ring any bells?”

”Oh yeah, the quiet girl with a black veil. Anyway, I don't think she is suited to out team composition. In a team there should be three roles; an attacker, a tank and a healer. However, with our composition finding a healer is useless. We both fight from range so what we need is a tank”

”I know that! It's the reason I suggested her! She is a Yuki-onna”

Yuki-onna? That sounded familiar. He had read a lot of light novels before so he knew some popular Japanese words. If he wasn't wrong yuki meant snow but what was the onna part?

”What's that? First time hearing it” Linri thought it would be unwise to fake knowing what it was so he just asked it.

”Huhum, wanna know what it is?” Rina said haughtily.

Fuck it! It's not worth it. So Linri kept on moving without responding to her.

”Wait, wait! Yuki-onna are winter spirits. So they are basically a yokai just like a kitsune. Didn't you say you were part kitsune how can you not know about it?”

”That's none of your business. Secondly, how can she fill the tank gap?”

”Well, she has ice-related powers. For example, if you touch her for a long time you start to freeze. She also has a bunch of tanky abilities hence why I think she can fit the tank role”

”Are you sure? I was going to ask either Leslie or Luke to fill in that role. Can you say for certain she can fill in that gap?”

”She would be an even better fit!”

Linri thought for a little while before answering. On the one hand, there were people he knew about and on the other hand, there was someone he didn't know anything about. Sure, Leslie and Luke would be a great addition to his team but a tank with ice-related abilities would be a better fit for the next boss. However, was she trustworthy?

Rina was somewhat simple-minded and hot-headed. It was easy to read her intentions but Yui was a mystery to him. Even during the friendship game, he was bothered by her silence.

”Okay, let's go meet her then”

Even if Yui turned out to be useless he was sure that he could fight [Water Lord] Leon himself so he decided to give it a shot. If she was a burden that was that but if she wasn't he would have an easier fight against the next boss and no one would complain about that.

”Great! Let me lead the way” said Rina as she ran.

Linri followed behind her without a word. He was already thinking about how to defeat the next forms of Leon and how much prana he should conserve for each one.

”Hey Yui!” said Rina after arriving at their location and she hugged Yui without reserve.