40 Dont Leave (1/2)

Jaime looked at Linri. She wanted to ask about his wounds but saw the tired look on his face and decided against it.

”Well now that everything is okay, I guess I should leave. You look like you need to sleep.” she was about to get up when Linri spoke.

”No, don't leave yet.”

”Why?” she had a confused look on her face.

”Well aren't you supposed to feed me the soup? Isn't that how it usually goes” Jaime was frozen when she heard Linri's cheeky remark. She really wanted to hit him right now. It was just one little punch it would not hurt him much would it?

”Wait wait wait wait! It was a joke, a joke” Linri felt danger towards his life since Jaime had such a murderous look so he immediately back paddled.

”What's the real reason then?”

”You see I am afraid to sleep so can't you just stay here and talk?” Linri pleaded Jaime.

She could not help but laugh when she heard his reason so turned back to leave again.

”What are you a third grader? Are monsters gonna eat you when you sleep? Stop joking and just go to sleep again otherwise you won't heal.” This time it was Linri's turn to give her the murderous look. He was gonna get killed if he fell a sleep but he was mocked over it.

”Is that so? I would like to see what you would do if you were in my position?” Jaime stopped in her tracks after hearing Linri's cold voice.

”What do you mean? Do you want to talk about it?” Linri scoffed at her question.

”Yes I would like to talk about it, great job Ms. Sherlock. You truly deserve your title as the greatest detective in London.” Linri said sarcastically.

”Stop with the jokes already. I am sorry alright, so talk. If you are not talking I am gonna leave.”

”Fine, as you wish my Queen. So do you want the short version or long version?”


”I was killed today, twice in fact.”

”WHAT!” Jaime could not help but shout so Linri immediately covered her mouth.