25 Thats Why We Cant Become Allies (1/2)

Jaime was looking back at Linri to see if he was telling the truth. She still did not understand why he told him all this but she could not say that he was lying. She probably would not believe this story if he were to tell it from the start but it was not because of the reason Linri said. It was because she believed there had to be something more.

At least now she could understand a little about why he said they could not be allies and she acted like the guy from his second story. She was genuinely sorry for acting like that but she still could not understand what he meant by can'y becoming allies.

”Wait! If it was something this simple couldn't you have just said I dont like liars and get on with it?”

”Well... I could but It wouldn't be as effective would it? Also it was a little bit satisfying to see you think so hard. I am somewhat of a petty person so yeah if it's harmless it couldn't hurt to get some revenge does it?” said Linri and continued

”Also that was not the whole reason that I made the whole speech. Doesn't Jaime have 130 IQ why don't you put your brain to work and think about it?” said Linri playfully.

”140!” Jaime said furiously. She came to apologize but she ended up getting angry at him again. Jaime swore to god that this guy had some special talent in pushing people's buttons. Still no matter how upset she was with Linri she did what he told her and started to think about the whole conversation.

When she was finished she noticed some things and couldn't help but asking about them.

”Now that you said it. Didn't you say that everything you said before was a lie? Does that mean you think you are normal?”

”Haha, now we are talking! The answer to your question is yes. Actually my thought process is nothing more than parlour tricks. They were just some things my father and some of his friends thought me and any person could think like that. Think of it as a math equation. Everything I did followed some simple ground rules and that's about it. I am not as weird or special as you thought I am and I am definitely not crazy.” said Linri confidently.

Still Jaime could not help but think that he was as quirky as she thought he was.

”Then can you teach me? Otherwise I will think that you are crazy.”