147 Oh man, it is really hard playing the villian... (1/2)
\”His name is not One, like our teacher claim to be. His name is Zero and he is the first ability holder that has ever lived. I have come across countless ancient documents describing him and his achievements.
Unfortunately, I have no idea why our teachers decided to cover this up, but I have some guesses. You see, recently I have uncovered some interesting facts that pointing at our dear teacher Ms Snow is actually working with the-\”
\”Objection!\” Linri rose from his seat and made a Phoenix Wright pose as everyone turned to look at him. Wasn't that the lunatic that stood up to the terrorist? What's he planning now? Of course, at the time Linri was thinking how damn cool he looked.
He was in his usual black edgy get up. It was almost as if he was screaming that he was a bad boy, or at least he looked like a wannabe.
\”As I was saying before-\” Elvario looked at Linri just like others, yet he thought he was just looking for trouble so he continued his speech.
\”I am sorry to interrupt you, Prez... well, I am not really sorry, but I have to stop you right there. I can see where this is going. You are going to accuse Ms. Snow with colluding with the Renegades, right? That's a pretty serious accusation, ain't it?\”
Elvario looked perplexed. He couldn't see where Linri was going with this.
\”Yes, that was what I-\”
\”Then, before you embarrass yourself, do you have any proof to back up your accusation? I think Ms. Snow might very well be an angel in disguise,\” Linri said as he started to walk towards the stage.
\”Yes, but-\”
\”Yeah yeah, people need to be aware and she needs to be investigated and stuff, but why should they? Just because of the words of a single student? How do we know that you are not the mole from Renegades?\”
\”Can you sto-\”
\”Nope, I can't stop cutting your sentences in half,\” Linri said sarcastically.
Elvario was becoming redder and redder with each second. He did not like how this lunatic was treating him. It was a wonder that he didn't start screaming at him yet.
The teachers, on the other hand, were watching this spectacle with quite the interest, especially Richard who liked all sorts of conflict. If he could he would- Wait, he already had a bucket of popcorn on his arms!
Linri climbed to the stage. Zave wanted to intervene, but Richard stopped him.
\”Prez, I know you have the best intentions in your mind, but think of the situation from the others' perspective. Because of your words, they are going to doubt a respected teacher. They might even take this a step further and start doubting each other. What you are doing is creating a civil war. I know you are immortal and lived for centuries, but this is not the way to do things, now is it?\”
When Linri revealed that Elvario had lived for centuries students started to chatter among each other. Elvario did not like the fact that someone was revealing his personal information. He was this close to blowing up, but then he took a deep breath and calmed down.
\”You are right. I was wrong in the way I handled the situation, so I have to apologise for my previous conduct. Though, I can't help but wonder, how would you have handled the situation if you were on my shoes?\”
Linri was honestly baffled by the degree of self-control Elvario was exhibiting as he just threw the ball into his court. What he said was right and Linri never disagreed with it, he just changed the public perspective of the situation. Noticing this fact, he wanted Linri to admit to that fact and gain back some credibility.
Linri could not help but smile. He liked Elvario because of this. He was too smart for his own good and, in the future, this was going to be his downfall. You just can't provoke the final boss of the game during the tutorial.
\”Me? I would just tell them to suck it up and get stronger! That's why we are here in the first place, isn't it? It doesn't matter if the school is attacked or someone here is a mole. The world is dictated by the whims of the strong. So, if you don't like this fact, just become strong so that you would be the ones making the decisions. Look at them, who here had guts to stand up when we were attacked? If they keep being protected like flowers in a greenhouse they will just die in the real world. So I would much rather be a weed in the wild than be like them, at least that was what I would say if I were in your shoes.\”